What are you listening to?

Ah - my youth - is that Gerry Sadowitz? Proper Glaswegian - proper swearing.

I think that Sadowitz was censored about his comments about Jimmy Savile?

Years ago - I photographed Savile - he was deeply creepy - I didn't know why at the time. He made my skin crawl - Hiding in plain sight.

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Odyssey - Going Back To My Roots

I've always loved this song. I remember buying it when it was originally released as a single.

(Sorry, but I don't know how to put links in my post)
The piano teacher across the road from me teaching scales... Not the kind of scales I'm interested in unfortunately.
Scales I don't care about:
- a series of successive notes
- drug scales
- reptilian skin
- the kind that remind me to eat less
Scales I like
- espresso weighing (ok so yes, legit drug scales)
- straight razor handles
- fishy on a dishy
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