Help… think I have a problem…

Why is this stuff so addictive? I’m beginning to think I have an acute problem…. On Thursday ‘ this is ridiculous, I have so much stuff and so many blades how on gods great earth am I every going to figure this out?’ Friday … ‘ ooh look … special offer of blades I don’t have‘


Feel like I need some kind of intervention …
I know what you mean. I try and not dwell on it but rotate my gear, razors / brushes / soaps and creams etc.

I think I’m more or less there with razors. Certainly no more brushes for me.

I have gone a little silly with creams, soaps though.

A lot of temptation out there though I agree. Just enjoy your shaving. It’s a more virtuous vice than drinking, gambling, drugs, hookers!
I totally know what you mean, I was never one for cheering myself up by buying stuff, always felt quite ascetic until the last 3 years. I didn't even buy moisturiser despite the Hotmetalette telling me I should. Then I found TSR and all that went right out of the window!

It's easy to get on a mission to find the perfect blade / razor / soap etc but you have to remind yourself it doesn't exist and just settle on a few nice things you find work OK for you, if you're being rational. Until then you can just let FOMO take over. When the foam stops, stop!

I figure with stuff like shaving gear, unless you're starving your kids to fund your next razor, it's not doing anybody any harm and given how pants things are these days, any self care that's not breaking your bank is fair dos. Yeah we've all got more soap etc than we actually need, otherwise we'd have nothing to post about and would make do with a Wilkinson Sword Classic, a £10 brush and a tube of Proraso cream. I think it's fine to indulge yourself a little. And if you one day look at your stash and think it's obscene and you want to declutter, you can probably sell a lot of it on here and recoup a bit, or pass it forward and gain some kudos and a warm fuzzy feeling of brotherly benevolence.
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Hi Dickie, I know what you mean. I have more than enough shaving cream and soap to last...years. (probably the biggest weakness now I'm working in London, lots of visual temptation with Trumpers not being far away). As hdb says there are a lot of worse things to be doing. I definitely thing hotmetal has the right idea. The amount of great shaves and advice I've had from discussions here has been invaluable. The choices are staggering so keep what you need and sell pass on what you don't like (someone else will either want to try it, love it or both).

Hotmetal, I did try that good self care idea ( very valid btw) with my wife and was told 'you dont need any more shavig cream!'. I was like ' you've missed the point completely'.
Enjoy the journey Dickie/all.
I’ve been down that rabbit hole but early this year decluttered and sold off many razors, keeping just my 2 favourites. I also use one pot of soap at a time and replace when empty
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It's easy. I went from over 250 razors to 6...then to 9...then to 12...I'm about to pull the trigger on #13. Why? My paradigm has changed. I no longer go for vintage or hard to acquire or overly expensive. (I do still have a few somewhat expensive razors)...what really floats my boat these days is design and relative obscurity. My latest purchases were, HoneSS, Smart Helix (I'm Ukrainian), GreenCult, Razorine Flatboy and the Ascension Select adjustable. A fairly eclectic set of razors...I love them all. My next is the Lambda Athena, one of the most beautiful razors I have ever seen and the case is just as gorgeous. I get just about as much joy looking at my collection as I do shaving with them. So do not feel bad, but what I would do is examine what really gets you excited, as far as shaving is concerned, and narrow your purchases accordingly. Remember, a cheap razor can shave as well as an expensive one and when you find a blade you like use them in all razors to find out how they truly perform. Different blades for some different razors....RIGHT?
I fully agree, I buy a lot less hardware now as I have the razors I like, (note to self, rotate them). I killed a parker after having it about 7 years (the thread went). That was when I started to collect a couple ( have about 6). Software is my thing, and when I get a shaving cream or soap I like, I'm very happy (ecstatic, actually). When I get ones I don't i gift them. As for blades i have favourites (nacets, astras, sharks, ) whilst avoiding feathers (too sharp for me). The way I look at it if I had a hobby, I'd be buying stuff and probably paying subs or travelling, so if it does need justification, that's it for me. And now I'm working in London, Jeses....
Enjoy what you do, life's too short.
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