First shave with Gem 1912

Sunday August 7, 2016
I picked up a Gem 1912 for less than £4 at the weekend. A pack of blades arrived yesterday so I thought I'd try it out for this morning's shave. A few weeks ago, my opinion would have been 'that's a museum piece' and 'no way would I shave with an instrument of torture like that'. However, reading the forums and watching a few videos inspired my confidence.

I followed the usual routine of warming and prepping everything and lathered up some TOBS coconut shave cream in my bowl as usual. Keeping a close eye on blade angle (top plate close to my skin) and keeping as light a touch as I could, my two passes were absolutely trouble free. I'm not far off BBS and the only thing I can see that wasn't as good as my Rocket Flare Tip was getting in close to the first row of whiskers below my nostrils.

I've read comments about the 1912 being 'like an old spanner' but my impression is that it's a lovely instrument to handle and use. And no doubt a pretty stern test of one's technique – it certainly focussed my attention!

I'm now basking in that lovely energised, invigorated feeling that you get after a really good shave. And it's amazing to think that my Gem was first used by a man over 100 years ago yet it's still fit for purpose and relatively easy to tame!

My interest is in trying out a variety of 'rated' DE and SE razors and blades (I have a Valet Autostrop on its way), so the 1912 isn't going to be my daily driver yet. However, I will be using it in regular rotation until I find my perfect set up. I rue all those years of missed opportunity scraping away at my face with cartridges (and the small fortune blown) on getting nothing like a decent shave!
something ive never tried...thanks for the insight
Happy to share my experience. I wouldn't have tried it either if I hadn't read some really helpful forum posts. These really are ridiculously cheap, considering they're antiques, and the cost to try is so low and it's such a fun tool to use.
I too am glad you got on well with it. You will almost certainly find the way forward with upper lip shaving with all SE razors is to simply shave sideways. On the first pass shave the part of the upper lip that you can do easily in the normal way, which in practice will only be the bottom half of it or thereabouts; on the second and last pass shave sideways.

Day two with the GEM and I totally nailed it! Not a single weeper or burn, moustache area sorted and the problem area under my jaw as smooth as everywhere else. I hesitate to use the term BBS because my 50 odd-year-old face looks nothing like a baby's bottom regardless of how close the shave!
I revisited mine last weekend and even tried a shim but I still cannot get a close shave :( no weepers and very little irritation from 3 passes but still not as close as my slant...
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