Hello From Wet The Face in The U.S.

Hi WTF - just noticed you have a well know acronym as your forum name. Welcome to TSR - there aren't many rules other than no politics - it's a very relaxed forum so expect to see the kind of language that would get you barred on other sites. With a heavy British contingent you may also have to get used to the sense of humour being slightly different.
Be welcome here, @Wet The Face / WTF / O'BewilderedOne

Is this you? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChy872UFfXR3Q9H9Vn5ipJg

Most of the forum boards have stickies which you probably should peruse but I reckon that common sense will cover most things (golden rule of the interweb is, I reckon, always talk to people as if you were facing each other with a cup of tea in hand.

.... there aren't many rules other than no politics .....
Political Censorship? That's pretty politica..... (sorry)
Hi WTF - just noticed you have a well know acronym as your forum name. Welcome to TSR - there aren't many rules other than no politics - it's a very relaxed forum so expect to see the kind of language that would get you barred on other sites. With a heavy British contingent you may also have to get used to the sense of humour being slightly different.
Someone should have mentioned the no politics rule to me a long time ago.
Hi WTF - just noticed you have a well know acronym as your forum name. Welcome to TSR - there aren't many rules other than no politics - it's a very relaxed forum so expect to see the kind of language that would get you barred on other sites. With a heavy British contingent you may also have to get used to the sense of humour being slightly different.
Yes I wanted to come up with a name that would be fun so WTF or Wet The Face fit the bill
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