Your best purchase

A while ago Avionyx started a thread asking us what was our worst purchase. I thought it would be interesting to ask now what everyone thinks their best purchase has been. Perhaps that phenomenally expensive brush that has defied the odds by justifying its price. Or a brilliant, dirt-cheap blade. Possibly even your very own bathroom, safe from the morning call of the wife and kids: 'Haven't you finished yet?'

To kick us off, my best purchase has been a Gillette Slim Adjustable. I had one as a teenager but was woefully ignorant about how to use it, convinced that a macho young man couldn't possibly use any setting lower than maximum. :icon_cry2: Needless to say, I blamed the razor for the bloodbath that followed. I tried again a couple of years ago and realized that at last I had found the razor that is just right for me. Brushes, creams, blades come and go but that razor (now beautifully re-plated, thanks to the brilliant Dave Glynn) is here to stay.

What about the rest of you?

At the risk of being boring... my Weber polished razor, because it shaves so well, and my New Forest 1901 brush, because it's small-but-perfectly-formed.
Going off-piste slightly... getting a large mirror with built in lights installed in my bathroom was a bit of a game-changer.

... and Dettol bathroom wipes so I can clean up my post-shave mess quickly and efficiently!
Trumper's Spanish Leather cream! I wish they'd start making pots so I didn't have to buy the toothpaste tubes of it. Nothing overwhelming about it... it just smells like soap and nothing else. It's a faint but prounounced and for me, perfect scent that sticks around on your face.

I also love my metal Brush + Razor stand I got from Executive Shaving. Came with a perfect sized little whipping bowl too. Looks the part, wasn't a bank breaker and completed the set.
Some of the items mentioned are very high on my list of best purchases, Boots DE as it was the start of a new journey, Steve's Bay Rum is fantastic, Nanny's and Prof Blighty are my favourite soap's. But I'd have to say the Futur is my best purchase.
Well I have quite a few razors,blades,soaps,creams,brushes ect and enjoy using all of them but if I had to pick one thing that every time i use it I think this is my best purchase it would be village barber aftershave balm I absolutely love this balm,it smells good and my face feels great after lovely stuff!!
Edwin Jagger DE89 - still my favourite razor (I have about 10 now, so feel qualified to judge) and the one I turn to 5 days out of 7. I don't think I could have picked a better starter razor - it's very forgiving and yet capable of delivering excellent shaves.
ChopperHarris said:
Edwin Jagger DE89 - still my favourite razor (I have about 10 now, so feel qualified to judge) and the one I turn to 5 days out of 7. I don't think I could have picked a better starter razor - it's very forgiving and yet capable of delivering excellent shaves.

Which is your favourite EJ?
This is the one I mean:

I actually ordered the 89L (not from Nkdman) but received the unadorned version. I didn't bother sending it back and I've been happy ever since. I don't have a problem with it being slippery when wet but I know some others prefer the textured handles for that reason.
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