
Dunno if you mean barbershops and/or specialist shaving shops. There is the Mediterranean Barbers at Goodramgate and Cube down a small street (they are all small streets in the city centre) near ? Stonegate. Find anymore then let us know.
You also have Burgens Perfumers (Kent, Edwin Jagger) in St Helens Sq, next door to the famous Bettys. Fenwicks over at Coppergate have TOBs, Bluebeards Revenge and one or two others. Crabtree & Evelyn is just across the square from Burgens. The Mediterranean Barbers sell Arco and Lemon Cologne - don't bother with the shave: not good. Theres also l'Occitane in Petersgate. Last but by no means least is the crazy Boyses on Goodramgate selling all sorts of ancient aftershaves for around £3 - £5.00

Yorks a great place - enjoy.
Thanks lads for your replies and suggestions. I'll have Mrs Mano + one of the daughters and an eight year old grandson in tow so it may call for a bit of nifty footwork. A good time for an early introduction for the lad into our way of whisker removal?:angel:
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