Would it be wrong?

Well I've gone and bought a John Heiffor shave ready and basically to make this short and sweet I'm planning on making my own scale (first attempt, when I have some spare time) going off what looks to be a good how to off YouTube. Just wondering thoughts

Here's link cos I can't seam to post pictures off my iPhone

If started to rescale a few razors with scales off of past saving blades. It's not as easy as it looks in the videos. I found that you'll need a good hammer. (Would show you a photo of mine but I'm also using a iPhone and can't load photos!!) also a small set of files. A punch that's a bit smaller than the pins and a small push drill a very little bit bigger than the pins. Always use new collars. Nothing more frustrating than have an old one split when you're hammering the pin down.
Good luck.
I'm kinda expecting it to be a struggle. I need to buy some pins and collars yet not started looking if you know anywhere good. I work in the flooring industry and I'm planning on using the top layer of a quality engineered wood for the scale so would be about 3-4mm thick.
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