words cant describe my anger about this

Thursday April 28, 2011

Today, Animal Aid has released footage shot secretly at Elmkirk Ltd (Cheale Meats), an Essex-based, family-run slaughterhouse that kills up to 6,000 pigs a week and whose website proclaims: ‘Be proud of higher welfare, buy British pork.'

The film – which was recorded on a number of secretly installed cameras over a period of four days – shows three different workers stubbing their cigarettes out on the faces of pigs, while one of the men landed a violent punch on the face of a pig who was walking by.

In addition, three seriously injured pigs were forced to crawl from the lairage, through the race and into the stun pen. Animal Aid's cameras followed them as they were pushed, dragged by their ears and kicked along

But the Department for the Environment and Rural Affairs (Defra) has announced it will not prosecute Cheale Meats, in Brentwood, because campaigners trespassed to obtain the footage.

Sky News report about it

I really want goverment to do something about this but i dont know how i was thinking of a e-petition to get the Department for the Environment and Rural Affairs to pass a law to legal require abattoirs to install independently monitored CCTV in UK but im dislexic and i dont know how to write it in a way thts to the point. but if i did do one and got 100.000 signitures it could be discussed in parloment. i think its better then nothing taling about it here wont change anything
I wont buy Danish pork as a result of animal welfare. Now I have issues with British. This is shocking and upsetting! What goes on in peoples minds?????
They have obviously taken legal advice and decided not to prosecute as, due to the way the evidence was gathered, it is likely to be inadmissible. As such there is virtually no chance of securing a conviction so it would be a waste of taxpayers money trying the case.

They are not saying its OK, just that they cant do anything with whats been brought to them. However, this place in now on their radar so it will stop!

The RSPCA says a solution is for independently monitored CCTV to be installed in abattoirs. RSPCA prosecutor, Sally Case, said: "Not only would CCTV act as a deterrent, it would also provide proper, admissible evidence of any offending."

That is an excellent solution as it would be a benefit to both sides of the argument. The animal rights people have proper evidence to show any wrong doing and the abattoirs video to rebut any made up stories.

If you want to do something about that then petition the supermarkets not to buy meat from that slaughterhouse.
Jeltz said:
The RSPCA says a solution is for independently monitored CCTV to be installed in abattoirs. RSPCA prosecutor, Sally Case, said: "Not only would CCTV act as a deterrent, it would also provide proper, admissible evidence of any offending."

Except for viewers in Scotland - where the SSPCA already has greater powers than the RSPCA (who continue to fundraise here despite not having any Scottish Charity registration nor any presence or role in Scotland). SSPCA inspectors under section 49(2)(a) of the Animal Health and Welfare (Scotland) Act 2006, have statutory powers of entry, search, seizure and issue of binding notices.

And viewers in Northern Ireland, who have the USPCA (and I suspect similar carpetbagging by the RSPCA).
I had a quick flick through the animal aid footage from their site, not much to get your pork scratchings soggy over to be honest given the volume of processing.

A few bored abatoir workers and a little procedural tightening required, just like most care homes. Oh..and Skinny love that avatar.
antdad said:
I had a quick flick through the animal aid footage from their site, not much to get your pork scratchings soggy over to be honest given the volume of processing.

A few bored abatoir workers and a little procedural tightening required, just like most care homes. Oh..and Skinny love that avatar.

Would have thought that these incidents are more common in that type of environment. Would these checks be placed across all types of the industry.

Would majorly hack me off if acts like this resulted in prices being raised at the buyers end to cover the cost of this constant surveillance. Tuna friendly Dolphin is expensive enough as it is.
Very distressing to watch,i'm sick and tired of Wankers hiding behind loopholes in the law,it matters not whether they had the owners permission to film or not the cruelty still happened and a prosecution should take place,or better still a closure of the place.

As someone who eats meat, part of me is tempted to suggest that, if the sort of behaviour described is felt to be undesirable, going vegetarian might be a good option. Whilst I find it as deplorable as anyone else, I fear that this may be the tip of the iceberg. I also, sadly, can't see it being eradicated any time soon. Hence my suggestion to avoid meat entirely.
Not quite sure where Halaal & Kosher means of slaughtering would fit into this. Being both legally permissible and condemned by some animal welfare groups. I can't help feeling that the reduction in the number of licensed slaughterhouses resulting in the transport of livestock for in some cases hundreds of miles is in itself responsible for unneeded (& I'm sure unintended) cruelty.

trainman said:
Very distressing to watch,i'm sick and tired of Wankers hiding behind loopholes in the law,it matters not whether they had the owners permission to film or not the cruelty still happened and a prosecution should take place,or better still a closure of the place.


I totally mirror what dave has to say, i'm usually a laid back type of person, I have no issues with eating meat, but the animals which we eat should be treated with the up most respect and be dispatched as humanly as possible, as for these sick animal abusers I hope they suffer the same abuse they dished out.

Here you go Skinny Joe https://www.change.org/petitions/prosecute-cheale-meats-pig-abusers-improve-slaughter-house-animal-welfare-laws
Re: RE: words cant describe my anger about this

pugh-the-special-one said:
trainman said:
Very distressing to watch,i'm sick and tired of Wankers hiding behind loopholes in the law,it matters not whether they had the owners permission to film or not the cruelty still happened and a prosecution should take place,or better still a closure of the place.


I totally mirror what dave has to say, i'm usually a laid back type of person, I have no issues with eating meat, but the animals which we eat should be treated with the up most respect and be dispatched as humanly as possible, as for these sick animal abusers I hope they suffer the same abuse they dished out.


+ a lot
I eat meat etc. But thre is no reason at all for abuse. Unfortunately, if people spike food to gain some cash, they will abuse animals as well. Depressing how it is.

JohnnyO said:
Not quite sure where Halaal & Kosher means of slaughtering would fit into this. Being both legally permissible and condemned by some animal welfare groups. I can't help feeling that the reduction in the number of licensed slaughterhouses resulting in the transport of livestock for in some cases hundreds of miles is in itself responsible for unneeded (& I'm sure unintended) cruelty.


That's simple - they don't (at least shouldn't) fit. I'd just ban those. Dark Ages are over, we're supposed to be in a modern Europe.
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