Wolfman Objet d' Art

Today the clouds parted, and the trumpets played. After two weeks short of a year, after the July 2015 price increases, and as one of his last orders before the new Wait List opens my Wolfman Razors arrived.

WR1- SB with WRH7 Handle Brushed Titanium

WR1- OC with WRH7 Handle Brushed Titanium with 0.74mm Blade Gap

Numero dos.
WR1-OC with Darwin Handle Brushed Titanium

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I just got in before the price rise and got a safety bar with the wrh7 handle. The workmanship is amazing. I would love a titanium razor but the cost is just too high for me. Beautiful razor Mark.

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Nice indeed. At first glance, I wasn't sure about the handle, but after closer inspection, there is a fetching gothic quality about it. It would be Batman's first chance of handle as his alter ego, the cosmopolitan Bruce Wayne.
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