Wolf Whiskers synthetic knot advice needed.

Evening chaps,

I have managed to get myself on the Wolf Whiskers waiting list and have been notified that Peter will send me a customised order form in the next week.

As I reside in the UK, my choice of knot is limited to synthetic. This will be my first synthetic brush, I don't have any experience as to what makes a good one for my requirements. I exclusively face lather, and mainly use hard soaps. I enjoy brushes with solid back bone for this and I do like a soft brush, but as I understand most of the current generation of synthetics are renowned for their soft face feel.

I'd appreciate any feedback and advice on Peter's synthetic knots. Link to the knots that Peter uses http://www.wolfwhiskers.com/knots.html

I'm particularly interested in the new Black Wolf knot and the TGN 24mm 2 band synthetic, does it mimic a 2 band badger?

Many thanks in advance, any advice is greatly appreciated.
That is the knot I decided upon too. The pictures Peter sent of it in the Burnt Oak Whiskey handle I ordered looks amazing. Can't wait until it arrives!!
I have the Ubersoft II knot with the Raptor handle and Ginny's Joy. Extremely happy. A previous brush was also Ubersoft. I am probably 2 weeks away from getting "my 2nd order form from Peter" and will go Black Wolf synthetic. No knowledge of the TGN knot.

For performance, not a Shavemac Unique 2 band, but soft and works for face lathering plus 40% of the Shavemac cost. Everyone should have a Wolf Whiskers brush. Good way to enjoy your first synthetic.
I have 2 wolf whiskers brushes now (Bit greedy but couldn't say no to a bargain) I have the ubersoft 1 and ubersoft 2, The no.1 has slightly more back bone then no.2 but no.2 feels slightly more softer then no.1
Just collected mine now from the local post Office Depot, been held hostage for a few days pending customs charges. I went for the 24 mm Black Wolf bulb, on first inspection it is incredibly soft and seems to have plenty of back bone.
Which handle did you go for Grant?
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