Witch Hazel - what's all the fuss?


Got some Boots Distilled WH to give it a try as it's been used for generations and therefore recommended. Well, I'm a bit underwhelmed...

First off, it stinks like cat pee (sort of). Second, I didn't notice any benefit over using something like a good ASB. Third, I really wanted to like this stuff as it's cheap and so easily available (ie don't have to wait a week plus a trip to the sorting office), but it just didn't do it for me.

So, all you WH lovers convince me that I should give it another go...
Baz said:
First off, it stinks like cat pee (sort of). Second, I didn't notice any benefit over using something like a good ASB.

I can't say that it smells like any cat pee that I've ever encountered, but each to their own.

The second point is exactly why I use it - acts like a good ASB, but leaves you scent-free so you can use any fragrance you like without having to invest in 934 different ASBs.
Baz said:
First off, it stinks like cat pee (sort of). Second, I didn't notice any benefit over using something like a good ASB.

I can't say that it smells like any cat pee that I've ever encountered, but each to their own.

The second point is exactly why I use it - acts like a good ASB, but leaves you scent-free so you can use any fragrance you like without having to invest in 934 different ASBs.
I always keep a bottle of this in.

Okay, it doesn't smell that good (cat pee? No, not really) but the smell is gone after 5 minutes, and it has a nice effect on your skin. It's not tacky or greasy, but it's not too drying either. I quite like it, and have often used it just like an aftershave 'splash'.

I am a convert...and I use it post alum and pre any AS or AB.

I think you have the concentrated stuff there so it has quite a severe "odour", you could dilute it a bit or add a little of your favourite scent to make it more tolerable. Boots also do a Tea Tree & WH combination that I quite like.

Try it as part of your routine then don't and see if it makes any difference, my Mrs is a convert and now she uses mine instead of her expensive "brand bollox" as a cleanser and toner. :roll:
OK guys, I'll persevere for a few days. I can't get past the 'scent' (I was guessing at cat pee - can't say I've ever really got a nostril full) . It may be concentrated as antdad says, though it doesn't say so on the bottle, just 100% witch hazel v/v, so perhaps I should water it down a little. Could be I'm expecting too much...

So, what are the benefits of using WH in addition to an ASB like Nivea (which is almost scent free)?
If it's a 200ml bottle that was about £2.50 in Boots it's not concentrated...

As for benefits over Nivea - in my case, no greasy feeling as I had with Nivea (and no break out in zits) as well as being less than a quarter of the cost (even cheaper if you buy it in your supermarket or a discount chain like Bodycare or SemiChem).
"witch hazel reduces the irritation on the tissue surface through a form of numbing. Surface inflammation is reduced, and the astringent creates a partial barrier against infection. That barrier aids in the treatment of wounds and burns. The astringency helps to stop bleeding, so witch hazel is useful in treating bruises, cuts, and other skin abrasions. Cosmetically, witch hazel is used as a facial skin freshener and astringent to reduce pore size, make-up remover, and to reduce bags under eyes. Products for men that contain witch hazel include herbal shaving cream and aftershave."

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I think the smell is more akin to slightly wet burnt wood. Works great as a toner and a good remedy, as Antdad has already said, to puffy eye bags. A cheap good all-rounder.
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