wiper or a rinser.

As some know, I have just got into this straight (feather AC) style of shaving.
Just wondering if most rinse off the lather/wisker mix each stroke or wipe off on a flannel/ similar.
I have had a go at both and am leaning toward the wipe method, for a couple of reasons.

1st, I have tapped the sink a couple of times with the back of the razor and wouldn't want to do that with a proper straight when I get one. I don't want to risk damaging the edge.

2nd, it leaves the water in the sink nice and clean for rinsing between passes without having to keep empting the sink and refilling it. saves a bit of time and also water. After I have finished I then empty the sink and rinse the lather off the flannel with running water from the tap. This also appears to be a little cleaner as you don't get all the scum up the sides of the sink.
I've never used a cloth or sponge - I rinse under the tap as I go along - that way the soap and whiskers goes straight down the plughole and I don't have a dirty sink or cloth to wash out.

Also, I don't find that either fingers or razor pivot gets wet doing this. Maybe my flat sink is an advantage here as the scuttle is away from the tap when the blade is being rinsed.
That's interesting Rob, I have a bowl shape sink and the brush or bowl/brush sit on the radiator at the side of the sink.
I hadn't even thought about the pins getting wet. Probably because the Feather is all stainless I hadn't even given it a thought. Good point for future when I start with a true vintage straight.
I will visit this approach for the next shave.
I wipe the blade on my left forearm, then rinse the arm off at the very end of the shave. I finish by wiping the blade on toilet paper, and stropping for a honed straight.
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