Windrose Razorheads

Ive had a CC and OC with their handles, didnt rate either of them and PIF-ed both on to some new DE shavers on a car forum.

Blade alignment was :mad: - I wonder which CC head is the £5.50 one as two are pictured.
Same here. Heads and handles are chalk and cheese - well-machined stainless versus fairly indifferent zamak castings, in which the blade is difficult, if not impossible, to align correctly. Perhaps the vendor will be able to source some better heads, as they let the handles down no end.
What decent and reasonably priced new razor heads are available on the UK market?

I know of the Muhle R89 and R41 heads available separately for about £16

but as far as I can see, if you want a Merkur head from a three piece, you have to but the whole razor.

After that you get into the specialist, and expensive market.

Can anyone point to sources of decent new heads?
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