Wilkie Shave Stick

I can hardly believe that this wonderful stick has never been a thread topic here as it's simply fantastic!! I like it better than the Palmolive one regarding scent & performance. The Wilkie stick does have lanolin which I don't see listed on the Palmolive . Regardless, the scent is simply marvelous to my nose, which admittedly is secondary in importance. I've never received anything less than stellar results from mine. Unabashedly, I admit the blue color is rather cool as well. :rolleyes: ;)

What is the 'street' price on one of these in the U.K. out of curiosity?
Great stick performance wise...but for me I was never a fan of the artificial scent. Gave me a headache.Maybe they have changed it recently. Not sure about "street price" in UK as I have never seen it available other than online...but when I lived in Hungary you could get them for around £1.20 each. Still not as good as the Mighty Palmolive! Blue colour is cool though...
in UK I think Connaught has the best price 2 for £5.00.

Good performance but although I didn't mind the scent, I too found it prone to giving me a headache. Like Raymond above, I've never seen it on sale anywhere shop-wise. Nary to be found in Supermarket, independent or chain pharmacy/chemists round these parts.
I love it, they raised the price last year in Germany when Wilkinson Sword changed the package ;) So I bought all old stock against the old price and I have them at home now, definitively one of the best shaving soaps one can buy easily in Germany.
Great sticks but over priced considering they are only on a par with Palmolive

I'm surprised WS don't stick this in their excellent sized blue bowl
Great sticks but over priced considering they are only on a par with Palmolive

I'm surprised WS don't stick this in their excellent sized blue bowl
And I am puzzled why a product with the same name and different packaging should be different at all inside, a bit like what Erasmic is doing with their crappy stick and excellent bowl. Boots and Tabac is a good example of consistency between stick and bowl.
I think it's a good shaving stick, as @Shemen Zait mentioned it is very strange that the soap in tub is very different to the stick and the other weird and puzzling question is How come the shaving soap in tub and the shaving brush available everywhere and the stick is only available at speciality vendors??
Is it possible that; Palmolive, Wilkinson Stick and Speick sticks are produced in same factory?? all perform great with different colour and scent? so apart from colour and scent perhaps the formula is same?
I grated one of these into a Grundtal last night and used it this morning. I can only concur with what others have written in that it's a great performer. Lathers really easily, good protection during the shave and afterwards my skin didn't feel the slightest bit dry. The oceanic type scent might be a bit artificial, but I quite like it. Nice and fresh
Half the fun of using a shave stick is the convenience of the stick. Grating it is like putting a fresh pizza into the blender and drinking it through a straw. :eek: ;)
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