Who is Taylors 1000?

Who is the E-bay seller of straight razors Taylors 1000 ? And does he frequent TSR forum? That Guy sure does know how to put his hand on so many razors, he obviously goes by a different name because I would bet he his a big time buyer as well off the Bay.

A little heads up for anyone buying from Taylors1000.

A good friend of mine won a auction of his recently only to be told he had made a mistake with the listing and the razor my friend had bought was already sold.
He offered a refund or another razor. My friend told him he was after a 6/8 square point like the one he had won.
He was sent a compatible razor that was 5/8, had rubber scales and had been ground to a square (making it short) Ohh and the blade had ripples all along it making for a some interesting honing atempts!

Anyway he sent that back and was sent another that was better but certainly not as good as the one he had won. He decided to cut his losses and keep that one.

Maybe a one off or maybe??
jaycey said:
A little heads up for anyone buying from Taylors1000.

A good friend of mine won a auction of his recently only to be told he had made a mistake with the listing and the razor my friend had bought was already sold.
He offered a refund or another razor. My friend told him he was after a 6/8 square point like the one he had won.
He was sent a compatible razor that was 5/8, had rubber scales and had been ground to a square (making it short) Ohh and the blade had ripples all along it making for a some interesting honing atempts!

Anyway he sent that back and was sent another that was better but certainly not as good as the one he had won. He decided to cut his losses and keep that one.

Maybe a one off or maybe??

No 'maybe' about it - definitely a one-off.

I have known Tony for a number of years, and he is nothing less than a perfect gentleman - a class act.

We are all only human, we all make the occasional mistake - even my father said he once made a mistake. I'm hoping that wasn't about nine months before I was born... :)

Neil Miller said:
No 'maybe' about it - definitely a one-off.

I have known Tony for a number of years, and he is nothing less than a perfect gentleman - a class act.

We are all only human, we all make the occasional mistake - even my father said he once made a mistake. I'm hoping that wasn't about nine months before I was born... :)


+1 Tony's a good guy and a class act when it comes to the razors I've bought from him over the years.

... I once made a mistake too, it was around 1986, but latter it showed that I wasn't wrong ... My wife claims I'm wrong at times though, but I'm not so sure about that. :icon_razz:
I have been to Tony's house and spent a very pleasant afternoon with him talking about straights.

I have also bought off him and can only say good things about his conduct in any transactions that I have had with him.

I can vouch for him and would say that the error was just that if you contact him again I am sure he will try his best to sort the problem out for you.
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