Which should I try in what order ?

I wonder if some blades are finished with a nice sharp edge, but have a few burrs? After the first shave the burrs are gone but it's still nice and sharp for a second shave. I base that entirely on guesswork and it is not evidence based :p
Halk said:
I wonder if some blades are finished with a nice sharp edge, but have a few burrs? After the first shave the burrs are gone but it's still nice and sharp for a second shave. I base that entirely on guesswork and it is not evidence based :p

I've read that burrs have been seen on some blades under a microscope, which would seem to be a possible explanation for the phenomenon of a blade feeling smoother on the second shave than the first.
Third shave the day before yesterday and everything was great and smooth. So no problems with the green ones. Today I ll be changing. Lads and will try the personna blue ones. Will update with my first impressions..
Just finished with the personna blue ones.

I also felt a little drag as I did with the first shave using the gillette green ones, but as much, so I m starting to think that you guys are right regarding the burrs possibility.

My feeling is that the personna blade is a bit heavier(?) or thicker than the gillette one and the shave was not as close. I also did 2 passes, 1 WTG and 1 XTG. Also a very smooth shave but not as close.

Will do 2 more shaves before I change blade and will get a better idea once I do these so that I can fully compare it to the gillette ones.
Just finished the second shave with personna one and the feeling of being less sharp than the green one is still there. It felt I had to put more pressure and thus I have some redness on the neck but no cuts. I changed cream as well. I used Tobs almond instead of the tabac one and perhaps that had something to do as well, but I can not say I m fond of the personna blade. Will go back to the green one with the Tobs in my next shave to see if it is a cream thing or if indeed the personna does not suit me.

Any thoughts?
Indeed it doesn't seem to ever work, but it's fairly often that I feel I have to. It's counter-intuitive, but when pressure is applied the blade cuts seems to cut worse. When I feel I have to apply pressure it really just means I have to try a different angle, better prep, pull my face to a different angle instead.
Just finished with the Asta blade !

Actually I wanted to shave with the Gillette green one, but I opened its wrap just to find out that an ASTRA blade was in it ...

Anyway, very nice shave, smooth without any irritation or knicks but not very close.

Is the Astra considered more sharp than the Gillette green one ?
I ve used all my astra samples (3 in total) and have to admit this blade feels very comfortable and nice when got used to it !

My next shave will be with the Polsilver.
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