where to buy a vintage shave ready SR?

Hi there,

I'm new to this forum and have been looking around trying to find someone who can help me source a nice shave ready vintage straight razor. I'd love to find a beautifully honed example to use as a benchmark for my own efforts.

I dont see many in the for sale section here. Any pointers?


New here myself and just received a Kropp from UKRob, very helpful and I think he can help you out.
Sorry I don't know any others, I'm sure there are more to choose from as I said I'm a newbie myself.
UK Rob had a few for sale just a short while go. I cant remember him selling all of them so worth a pm i think. There are a few good guys on here that sell nice razors from time to time so it is well worth posting an add in the bst or straight shaving section.
Thanks folks but I've gone new for now. Just too much for me to get my poor head around. I've got a new basic Dovo on the way. If I enjoy the SR thing I'll no doubt be on the look out for something else.


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