When to stop trying new blades?

Friday September 10, 2010
County Durham UK
This may go a bit against the ethos of the forum but does there come a time when you don't want to try new blades because

a. you've already achieved perfection
b. your wife thinks you are insane
c. you can't be bothered

Just wondered
I think I could answer yes to the first two, and I don't really need to try new blades, I'm sure I've found my perfect one. But it's hard not to try others, I'll always wonder otherwise.
I am anal enough to note down how each blade I've tried performs in different razors, and having tried 54 different blades now I am still looking. Every blade has its own character, its strengths and weaknesses, and a lot work better in razor A than in.razor B. I know my current favourites and which razor to use then in but I'm not going to stop buying more blades as I enjoy this too much and am curious. Just now I put in an order on a sampler that included Gillette goal, Supermax platinum and blue diamond and a few others.
CMOT said:
This may go a bit against the ethos of the forum but does there come a time when you don't want to try new blades because

Heresy, surely? :eek: :eek:

I suppose if you find the "perfect" shave, there may be little reason to change. I've found some excellent combinations but still try others (but that's because I have already bought the blades).

I think I'd only buy "new" untried blades if I saw a few ringing endorsements on this (or other) fora.

All my combinations of blade and razor are on an excel spreadsheet. Sadly my favourite combinations involve blades that are no longer manufactured :cry: :cry:
There's one member here who keeps a hand written log book on exactly what blades he's used, how many times, what date, and what he thought about them, it's a virtual work of art. Might be Konstantinos, but I could be wrong.
Most of the fun for me is trying new things; I prefer the variety and the "What will I shave with today" question I ask myself when I get up.

I have tried probably around 60-70 types over the years and still find new ones, some are good some are not good but how do I know until I try them? That is my justification anyway and it works for me.
It's like my real ale habbit - I have my favorites, and my to die for ale BUT if I see an ale I've never tried then I'll just go ahead and give it a go.

I don't ever want to be left wondering if there's a beer out there better than I've had already.

And like Derbys, sometimes you get a dodgy one :cool:
I think you should stop when you achieve a consistent, irritation and nick-free shave every single shave, and when that blade lasts for a reasonable amount of shaves (for me 3-4).

My favourite blade was Feather for a good while and I stopped looking. Every other blade seemed dull in comparison. However, I did have the odd bad shave with them and they are very mindful of technique and it's easy to over-shave if you're not careful.

However, I returned to Gillette Super Thins I had stashed away, and actually LOVE them now. They are the perfect balance of sharpness vs. smoothness for my face and beard. I can do multiple passes without any discomfort whatsoever.

I want to try them again in my HD (have been using them in my Mule R89 - a fantastic combo). It could be my blade! :mrgreen:

Thanks for the opinions. I have pretty much settled on Feathers but I can't resist that underlying curiosity to keep trying so just ordered a sample pack from Connaught and 200 Feathers.
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