When things go right

A few thoughts on events this week. I started back at work (mornings only) after recouperating from heart bypass surgery at the end of October - absolutely no problems and it's good to be back in some kind of routine.

My Monday morning shave was with a Feather DX straight used for the first time and with the Proguard blade. I was thrilled with the quality of the razor and, although I've used this blade before in a Cobra, this was a first for me in terms of a repacement blade straight. The angles are a bit different, but the lasting impression is how could I possibly get this close in the awkward areas like the chin and top lip with a normal straight?

Early on in the week, Jamie posted a video showing Lynn Abrahams honing - I hadn't seen this before and was struck by the pressure used on the lower level grits - far more than I've been using. So, because I have afternoons free, most of my razors got re-honed this week on a simple 4/8k Norton and 16k Shapton followed by a few laps on a 1" Thuringian (which feels like running your hands over silk nightwear).

Tonight's shave was with one of the freshly honed razors, a 7/8" Filarmonic - it was easily as impressive as the Feather.

As my wife is off at a trade show in Hamburg, I spent most of today working on a new set of scales for a razor I picked up months ago and had almost forgotten. I used black horn and spent far too long polishing it because I had nothing better to do. Then honed it and got the sweetest and tinyist bevel imaginable - I'll post some pictures tomorrow.

So all in all, a good week - apart fro the fact that I'm bursting with pride about today's restore, can't stop faceturbating because of tonight's shave and have absolutely no-one to talk to - not even the wife - which is why I've spent so long compiling this missive.

Cheers, Rob
Faceturbating. What a great word, Rob! Glad you're on the up now sir and look forward to seeing pictures of your latest talented endeavours.
Glad you liked the feather, and even happier that you're feeling yourself again.

I mean that you're over the surgery, not a reference to your wife being away :).
Neil Miller said:
barlines said:
mattyb240 said:
Rob glad to hear you're recovering well!

Very much seconded - and looking forward to seeing the pictures of your latest project.

And thirded (is there such a thing?!) - more strength to your arm, Rob!


Well, I guess I've to fourth that then :D. I'm very happy things are rolling your way Rob, in every aspect!! I'm looking forward to see your restore too, I've got a pair of your horn scales, on a very nice E A Berg blade and the scales are _very_ nice indeed.
Glad to hear things getting back to normal Rob , i shure you be glad to hear that my recent purchase from you (Theiars Issard ) is going well and all though i still need to finish off with a my Bluebeards D/E i am enjoying my straight razore journey very much .
Great news all round, Rob! Well done you - good recovery, good shaving, good restoration. Great!

At risk of sounding pedantic, I'm wondering about that 1" Thuringian (which feels like running your hands over silk nightwear.) Now is that silk nightwear in a drawer or on a body, in which case, which part of the body are you running your hands over? Just how smooth is this Thuringian?
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