What have you moved on but then bought again?

Halifax, Republic of Yorkshire
We've no doubt done this thread before but for a new generation, let's do it again ...

What have you moved on but then bought again? By that I don't mean repeat purchases, but stuff you've sold or PIFd or just chucked away but had a pang of regret or perhaps curiosity and bought again.


No, not many many 1912s or Techs as I consolidated my expansive collection upon those two razors with a few peripherals, but did buy another Gillette 'Old' having had a truly impressive (and replated) absolutely perfect example. To top that, I bought a single ring ... to find it's bloody silver plated, which I react to quite badly. I'm still to-ing and fro-ing about whether to get it nickel plated but since then I snagged an 'Old' Milady Decolette in brass, so think I'll just keep the single ring as a museum piece.

Merkur 37C, the archetypal slant. I let my old one go and curiousity got the better of me, so bought another a good few years later. Initially disappointed as I found it curiously really mild and in no way what I remembered. Yes, they changed the geometry and cap to make for a smoother shave. I bought the Razorrock German Slant and found that to be what I remembered of the Merkur 37C, but after using the new one a good few times I found that actually Merkur have triumphed here! They have improved it into an equally efficient razor but without the harshness. It's now quite majestic! Once you "get it", the Razorrock feels kinda crap.

Martin de Candre is one of those shaving soaps which carries such a reputation that it is easy to be disappointed. Put into place, it's simply an artisinal French soap and actually pretty good. It's not great, but it is damn good. Having weeded out my soaps and kept what I considered a core of classics, some truly artisinal soaps (like La Savonniere du Moulin) and a good range of my favourite artisan (Wickham), I found myself with a gap ... and that gap was Martin de Candre.

DE shaving, generally! While I kept a lot of DE razors, I didn't shave with them. I was a single edge shaver for a good number of years, backed off and inevitably ended up with a beard (again), came back to shaving and the cartridge format again ... but the Muhle Rocca reignited my interest in traditional shaving and so a return to DE shaving. Short lived, as I'm largely a cartridge shaver again.

But ... the Wilkinson Sword Sticky was one razor I had and regret letting go. There was a drought for some time, but then a slew came along and I bagged one. Overjoyed, as it's truly a marvel! Lovely razor to look at, hold and use. Simply superb when paired with vintage Wilkinson Sword blades.

GEM Contour. Of all the GEM razors to buy again, why the Contour? Well, I consolidated my ASR collection on pre-Micromatic and while I could be tempted by a brass Clog Pruf, I'm not all that bothered about anything beyond the 1924. I did keep one Featherweight (with an olive green handle) and a British Natural Angle Deluxe (in gold), but something about the Contour tugged at me. They're quite hard to come by, certainly in the UK, so it was some searching to get the trio of Contours back into my collection.

Ever-Ready 1909. I owned "that one" that seems to be the one folks get when they do get a 1909. I let it go. I spotted another and was thrilled to find it absolutely mint ... and I've left it that way. Shame? Well, yes, but I found the shave not that great hence letting my first one go. It came with a stropping set, too: https://photos.app.goo.gl/Se9U86pFVWtZkUHn6

Still missing ...

I would like a Plisson synthetic brush again, preferably a L'Occitane branded. I discovered the L'Occitane Cade UFO shaving bowl in the loft the other week and used it for a good run - great soap! I'l like to lather it again with a proper Plisson, as sold in the day.
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My only true selling regret was a Simpson Duke 2 Super I sold to @Mike Smart - I should have given that brush more time. I may buy another one in the future.

I also mildly regret moving the Saponificio Bignoli soaps on. I think I'll purchase a couple of them again in the future.

I bought another Fatip after selling mine a year or so ago.
I sold a Feather Artist Club SS Kamisori (non folding) only to buy another a couple of years later and also the Feather AC DX kamisori ( non folding) that was sold and a pang of regret was felt and this was also brought again a good few years later.
I have brought and sold many of my razor's and some of them there may have been a little regret but not so much to re buy the razor.

I never wanted a razor collection, I just wanted the cream of my 65+ razor's and I have managed to get down to around 15 or so razor's left and every razor that I now have are for me the cream of those 65 razor's and all of them bring a smile to my face every time I shave with them!

I love this post, well done @pjgh :)

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Oh my where to begin:eek:
AS-D2 - sold - re-bought WS-D2 (looking at re buying AS-D2 - maybe)
6S - sold - re-bought - sold - re-bought - keeper.
Blackland Dart sold - regretted it immediately - re-bought
Feather DX folder - sold - managed to get the non folder in a trade about 1yr later.
Ever - Ready 1914 - sold - re-bought another 2
Supply V2 custom matte - sold - re-bought V2 custom polished (BST)
Feather SS Folder and non folder - rebought "scotch wood" SS and new SR version.
PAL Injectomatic - sold - rebought another NOS version.
A few version's of schick Injectors - Re-bought just about everyone back.
I think that's about it?

I am at 74 razors in the den after selling 64 over the last few years.
I would love to get this down to about 30, then 14ish.
Not going to happen is it?

I have to say I have sold razors in the past as they were either not working for me at the time (I get on with every one I re-bought, probably down to better technique and/or experience), they were being neglected or someone put a "shoutout" for one I had,
I've moved two things on, haven't bought them again but I do regret moving them on.
A semogue oc 2band, a great brush and the only animal hair brush I really liked once I got into synthetics.
Gem open comb micromatic, arguably the best razor I've used, I don't really know what got into me selling it. I keep an eye out for one on eBay occasionally, but I'm quite happy with my Gillette Tech at the moment.
...I am at 74 razors in the den after selling 64 over the last few years...

Razorock Hawk V3 sold to fund the purchase of a Vector. Didn't get on well with the Vector, so sold it to buy another Hawk V3. This one is staying put.

I regret selling half a dozen or more Wickham 1912 soaps, - Le Blue & Southsea Spray especially. Unfortunately, they are no longer available.
Since selling them here on BST, I don't recall seeing them used or mentioned in SOTD's?
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My Rockwell 6s was sold, I got a 6c didn’t get on as well with it, regretted it immediately and I bought another 6s back in around a month! (Many thanks again @Tony'schin) It’s not the prettiest razor but it always gives a fabulous shave every time.
I regret moving the Hawk V3A on too but I’m sure I’ll get another when funds permit!
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Great thread! For me it’s been boar brushes, I’ve tried and tried to get one to work well and then given up, and then decide to buy again later.
Specifically, I’m now on my third Semogue SOC, but I’ve also been through others in the Semogue collection (the Omega collection too) and not kept a single one for more than a few months.
I continue to repeat the cycle as I feel I should have at least one good boar brush in my collection.
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