What happened today?

Hello people, today is only my 5th day of DE shaving. So far its been going great.

Today though, I got loads, and I mean loads, of nicks on the sides of my face. I didn't change my technique that I know of. They only bled for a minute max, so were small, but I would like to know what caused this.

The blade was a once before used Astra.
Holyzeus said:
Getting sloppy and lax?
Did it myself, its easy to think its all going well and perfect early doors

Could well be that. Its got to of been me, as on the previous shave the blade was fine, so no problem with the blade. Must of got over confident.
Did you clean the razor the last time you used it properly? If it had lots of hair and gunk dried under the blade it would reduce performance.
Edit that, i still do it now. if i get lax i tend to not have the head parallel to the face and get nicks from the edge/end of the blade
I have been cleaning the razor through with water, then drying with a towel. Is that enough, or should I be taking it apart for each clean? And probably going quicker lol. I think I might try a different blade next time, as I notice my face feels a bit "hot" for an hour or so after the shave.

I also notice my skin feels as if its tight for a while after the shave when I use shaving soap instead of cream, is this normal?
I had this for 3 weeks or so when i started, i actually like the feeling.
Not had it since, guessing its the skin getting used to it especially since i now shave almost every day.
A grown up will be along shortly to agree/blow me out the water..
Holyzeus said:
I had this for 3 weeks or so when i started, i actually like the feeling.
Not had it since, guessing its the skin getting used to it especially since i now shave almost every day.
A grown up will be along shortly to agree/blow me out the water..

So you got the hotness and the skin tightness? Or just the tightness afterwards? As I'm thinking maybe the hotness is the brand of blade,I have only tried one so far. I will try a different one later, I didn't shave yesterday so 2 day growth. The bleeding kind of made me think give it a rest for a day lol.
It happened again yesterday. I tried a new blade, Supermax blue diamond. I had been having lovely shaves so far with my favourite so far being the personnas and Israeli personnas.

I went carefully as it was a new blade, but my neck and face was covered in Nicks. I am going to swap the blade out for another one to give it another try incase it was a bad blade, but I don't think these work too well for me. I could of really done with styptic yesterday, I need to order some.

I've decided to stick with just the tech for now, until I have the shaving down perfectly with that model, as if I can't shave consistently with a mild tech, I don't want to put anything else into the equation yet.

I use Arko soap, lather was the same as usual. Just a different blade. I think Lord super chromes and these supermaxes are off my list now.

Still have the Derby, Racer, and Rapira blades to try to see what I like best. So far its personna's.
I'l keep that noted- if the Rapiras are good that will be great, as they are far cheaper than the Personna blues, even though personna blues are far cheaper than cartridges anyway.
I tried a Rapira today. Best shave I have had so far, I think I even prefer these to the personnas, although I will have to try another one to be sure. They are super cheap as well. I got zero weepers or nicks and BBS.

All I got left to try now is derby and racer, and thats my trial done. I think these rapiras are the ones though. They were the standard ones, are the swedish supersteel any better?
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