What Did We Learn From Our Shave Today Gents?

The difference between a blade still performing well and the same blade performing badly can be as simple as the soap it's being used with.

Yesterday - Astra SP (19) & MWF = not so great
Today - Astra SP (20) & @phoenixandbeau Spitfire = feels like new!

Both days the razor was the same, RazoRock Bazooka, as was the brush (RazoRock Monster). It suggests to me that there is a perfect combination of items out there, and I may have stumbled upon mine :)
I stand by my soap v blade findings. This is not to say that MWF is bad (far far from it), it just doesn't have the same qualities as a P&B soap in terms of blade feel in use. Perhaps 'performing badly' was a poor choice of words, more like 'not performing as well' would have been a fairer comment.
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