What are you waiting on to arrive?

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No, you think you've hit the bottom only to find it was a ledge you had landed on and over you go again, there is no way back, give up all hope, you are in the pit of dispair !

Then you find some new holes like buying expensive rocks to sharpen your straight razors on :). My advice , as with anything , don't spend more than you can afford and other than that sit back and enjoy the ride :) .
Then you find some new holes like buying expensive rocks to sharpen your straight razors on :). My advice , as with anything , don't spend more than you can afford and other than that sit back and enjoy the ride :) .
It is true, there are many tunnels leading off the main hole and they lead to different holes, not all of them Shaving related, I have stumbled upon a fountain pen hole filled with lovely Japanese goodies, I must resist!
Who am I kidding! I must explore! :)

Shaving Soap
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