Well you can tell it snowed here today...

Still snowing here. Not too bad yet, maybe 8" or so. Just started a new job and getting to the west end for 9am each morning is proving challenging.

Our boiler has been playing up and completely died last week, only 18 months old, just got it fixed tonight and it's heaven. Seen some skin from below my wife's neckline for the first time in about a week tonight :mrgreen:
Tuesday was my day off - 3 medical appointments need to be rescheduled due to the snow stopping buses, and most traffic.

Wednesday, no buses - full stop. Snowed-in. A further medical appointment cancelled and needing rescheduling.

So far, looks like a repeat for Thursday too... without any appointments to be cancelled though.
Fido said:
Still waiting for some respectable snow here. Perhaps tomorrow.

It's white out there now! Dog walkers will be out in force.



No table tennis this afternoon. Will be watching the World Cup decision event though.
Bad idea to send Moe, Larry and Curly to plead our case, we should have just bought the votes like everyone else. The amount we probably paid to send them and paying for the security while they are there would mean buying the votes would be cheaper.
Here i was, in the Fatherland, sitting all smug pondering on how the British manage to get it so wrong when it snows, when the Germans have all the roads open, well ploughed (bar the small roads that is)and other than moving slower than normal, the only difference is everything is whiter and colder.........when the bottom fell off of my car radiator!!! (My 2nd car being a little rear wheel drive thing is sat in the garage and will not move in this weather no matter how well the roads are gritted etc, as it is a bit lively - fun, but only when there is nothing around it can slide into! :D )

Bloody typical, and it will teach me to be all smug! With another repair on the axle that is needed that little cohort of dramas is going to set me back between E900 and E1000! :cry: :evil:
We've had between 2 & 5 inches locally but aren't badly affected. A & B roads are clear Council workmen have been out clearing the pavements (1st time I've ever seen that) but they weren't particularly treacherous before. It should be a case of everyone carrying on as normal but when I went to the local co-op to get a snack earlier, someone in there was saying they were taking the day off rather than try to get into work, my immediate thought was well you managed to get to the shops!

Our kids school is open, it usually does but since about 2 years ago when we had a light covering, 75% of the staff made no attempt to get into work and were widely criticised by all the parents who had to take days of their work to stay home with the kids.

Clearly when there are the kind of problem there have been in the North its fair enough, but round here its not generally a problem but plenty of people see it is as a good excuse for a skive. My staff are all clear that if they don't/can't make it into work it must either come out of their holiday or be taken as unpaid leave. I may consider making an exception on any day that I can't make it into work but surprisingly there's never been one of those!
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