Weird hair growth

Hi guys (first post)
I am 14 and have been told by my friends that i grow more facial hair that kids my age, which is why i started shaving october 2014. since then, i have realised that the facial hair near my eyes, near the top my cheeks, is thicker/darker and more densely populated than the hair at my lower jaw. (That isnt to say that its anywhere near to the thickness/darkness of an adult's facial hair. it is just a noticeable difference) My sideburns and moustache however seem fine. Is this apparent reverse contrast in hair thickness (as normally the jaw hair is much thicker than the hair of the upper cheek) down to genes or a mistake in shaving? will i be able to correct it with some sort of hair thinning/reduction/removal?
I usually wet shave with a blade, but have recently started to use a phillips electric shaver with the 3 circular blades (still wet shaving with gel though).
Would appreciate some insight.
EDIT: Also, many, if not all, of my friends have stopped shaving up there and only shave the lower and middle part of the cheek now
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When you start growing facial hair it can come in patchy in some areas ..That is normal..That's why when some young folks grow a beard they have to let it grow & shave it off & grow it again to train it to grow thicker as time goes on..Some folks can never grow a decent beard for that self same reason...;)

When you start growing facial hair it can come in patchy in some areas ..That is normal..That's why when some young folks grow a beard they have to let it grow & shave it off & grow it again to train it to grow thicker as time goes on..Some folks can never grow a decent beard for that self same reason...;)

Exactly the same happened with me when I was a teenager. Initially my facial hair didn't grow evenly, it was in patches, but it sorted itself out quite naturally after a couple of years, so don't worry about it and let nature take it's course.
That's just the way your facial hair grows at the moment. There isn't anything you're doing that causes this or anything you can do to alter it - it'll more than likely even out eventually.

A lot of men have uneven or patchy growth in their facial hair regardless of age.
Do you find yourself staring at the moon a lot?

There's no need to shave up towards your eyes - just below the cheeck-bones is generally about the limit. You may just be one of those people who develop visible hair above the cheek-bones, it may be something you just learn to accept.
I also get growth at the very top of the cheekbone right upto the dip into the eye socket - not as thick as elsewhere but certainly enough to be clearly visible.

As Leebot said above, nothing involved in how you are shaving is causing this growth. If shaving caused this I'd start doing my head and have a fine head of hair instead of being a pink top ! With the skin beneath the eye sockets being so delicate I'd be very chary about shaving anywhere much above the cheekbones myself. As has been said by others, at your age you may well find that things settle down considerably over the next few tears. Unfortunately for many of us those were the very years we were most self concious about our appearance.

JohnnyO. o/
your young enough to learn proper things. shaving isn't going to do much more then cut the grass down so it comes back. it IS popular myth and popular belief that shaving ones chest hair will make it grow back thicker and darker.

a good quality Gillette tech, krona, a nice aristocrat. a fat boy or a slim. A good vintage razor and a small assortment of blades is really what you want. And some REAL shaving cream or soap. even if you just get perhaps speick or Palmolive in a tube, youll be leaps ahead of "gel".

skip the electric toys. vibrating electric devices are for the ladies, solid pieces of steel and brass are for men. electric stuff messed my face up bad in the past.
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