Wasting DE Blades in an SE?

Halifax, Republic of Yorkshire
Following on from this topic which has gone wildly off, but the original post was resolved anyway ... what if we could use DE blades in our SEs.

Stephen had a go and rather thought he'd wasted his time ... and blade.

I have a lot of blades and a lot of time :D

So, using a GEM SE blade as a template, I snipped the sides off a DE blade and a bit off the back. I guess I could have spined it with a spare, but didn't have a spare and did not want to butcher an innocent GEM.

Inserted into a 1912 ...


... fits okay and the hooks have sufficient hold to keep it in place as well as the back restraint just taking up sufficient slack without bending the blade.


... unlike the Micromatic:


What's going on here? Ah, the indents in the base plate:


What about a Featherweight?


... again, fits, but the hooks have less of a hold than the 1912s.


Does it shave?

Yes! VERY aggressively. I tested on my leg, which has a couple of nicks ... and it is burning like hell!

I think it is like the most aggressive open comb you could imagine!

From here, I guess the concept is viable. Using a blunt GEM, the edge could be ground back, say 0.5mm, the spine just lifted a tiny fraction to accept a cut down DE blade, the old blade simply acting as a frame.

Practice is quite another thing ... I'm not going to try this on my face.
I don't see the point of using a DE blade, surely the rationale for trying an SE is that the blade is different and the SE razor is designed so that the spine and base plate create a specific angle.
The stiffness of the blade is part of the attraction for SE shaving. I don't understand why you would try a flexible blade, but the good thing is you didn't try it on your face!

YorkNeil has it spot on.

A DE blade just will not function properly in a SE razor no matter how you modify it simply because it is too thin and therefore flexes.

In a DE razor it is supported and is tensioned by pressure from the top cap, there is no tension applied to the blade by an SE razor as none is required because the blades are too thick to flex.

... and alternative take, using a couple of blades as a holder for half DE blades: http://shavelikeaman.blogspot.co.uk/2011/06/12-de-blade-holder-for-gem-1912.html

Maybe this gives the rigidity we like from our window scrapers?
pjgh said:
... and alternative take, using a couple of blades as a holder for half DE blades: http://shavelikeaman.blogspot.co.uk/2011/06/12-de-blade-holder-for-gem-1912.html

Maybe this gives the rigidity we like from our window scrapers?

This is an absolutely brilliant idea!! I'm not sure if I have the dexterity to make that stiff SE frame to fit a half DE in, but Paul, if you ever get round to doing it, please post your result here. If you fancy doing another 'how to' with photos, that would be great. It opens up a whole new world of blade/shaver combinations. Good find my friend...

pjgh said:
If I make one, I'll make two and you can the other. That's a promise.

Working on the used blades right now ...

You need to change your forum name to Santa! LOL I'm sure if you do end up making the blade holders, they'll be absolutely prefect... Did I read somewhere that you've amassed a collection of more than 40 razors in a few months? Well, bang goes the theory of DE shaving saving you money :)
47 now ... a Super Speed coming, a GEM 1924 too :D and who knows what's in my curious Secret Santa box! Fingers crossed. Yeah, I've sorted myself with a ball end Gillette from every decade (except the 1900s) through to the '70s and a few treasures in and amongst ... my present fascination is with GEM/Every Ready and after tonight's shave (see SOTD), Valets. I have a lot of choice now.

My absolute favourite is a Muhle R41 with a Feather, but those GEM/Ever Readies are just gorgeous to use.

So, once I've amassed enough blades and spines to do this, I will ... otherwise, I can't see it as a big deal to craft some sort of frame which will take a half DE blade. This solution looks good, but shaving tonight with an SE blade in a Micromatic reinforced what everyone else is saying ... they might just be too thin for the right face feel.

Still, let's do it and see ...
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