Wash or pat dry?

But of a silly question this. Yesterday I had my haircut at the usual barbers. I take a straight, brush and soap in, as he likes doing my neck and sideburns with the stuff and I like the stuff.

Anyway used TR Olibanum yesterday and where I wash my face thoroughly after a shave to remove any cream etc, the barber dabbed the area dry. I could smell the Olibanum all the way home. So do you wash or dab dry? I always wash as otherwise the skin can become tight or itchy? But having the scent linger is a bonus.
Rinse gently with lukewarm water with a dash of malt vinegar in it ( to restore the PH factor ) and gently pat dry with a soft terrycloth towel. But I have troublesome skin which can easily flare up.

JohnnyO. o/

I dry my hands on a towel then wipe the water off my face. By the time I have cleaned up, my face is dry enough for a balm or AS splash.
Seems it's as simple as a wash and dry, I thought that dabbing the soapy water would cause some kind of irritation, strangely it didn't. Perhaps it will with a heavy fragranced soap.
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