War on the cost of shaving


Last year I started to rebelled against the cost of cartridge shaving. I'd been using Fusion blades for a few years and while happy with the results I resented the cost.

I tried some cheap cartridges from Aldi, but was hugely disappointed with the result and started looking at double edge razors.

I took a chance on the Boots DE razor and once the first few shaves were over and done with I started to get the hang of it. After about a month I got an Edwin Jagger Barley handled 89 which, is a nice bit of kit but doesn't seem as close as the Boots razor. I was looking at a Merkur but living in Yorkshire decided to stick with something a bit more local.

I also got myself a sample of blades, Astra, Dorco, Shark and Wilkinson classics to try.

Initially, I wanted to avoid getting a brush, as I have lots of shave gel. However, I got to compare several different brushes and bought a super badger brush. I've got a shave bowl coming and have a Palmolive stick & Boots cream to try.

All the gear, no idea.

I've been using the EJ for a week and I'm finding it harder to get a good shave with than the Boots razor. I've only used the Derby and Astra blades so far.

About the war in shaving costs, I will offer this idea.

In the words of the famous US philosopher 'Pogo':

" We shall meet the enemy, and not only may he be ours, HE MAY BE US".

Ain't it the truth.....sheeesh.
Welcome to TSR.

There are many ways to shave frugally, and many ways to shave costing you a good wedge.

I am trying to strike a balance.

My weaknesses are razors which can cost for the right razor in good condition.
But so far I have done very well with shave creams/soaps/blades for not a lot at all.

Cheapy cheap items are Supermax shave cream from Savers for £1 which I cannot tell the difference from a much more expensive TOBS shaving cream.

It is part of the fun giving stuff a go.

In answer to the blades, I enjoy the Derbys but not the Astras. But everyone is different.
Hello and Welcome to TSR...I'd ditch the Derby blades and as Chris says try a Gillette yellow or a Feather..The Astras are ok for me, but I only use them in an aggressive razor such as the Muhle r41, can't get a decent shave with them in milder razors............The Derby's I can't use at all, too draggy\tuggy on the old whiskers...

Persevere kid, its worth it.
Just getting back into all this myself and some may dissagree, but if you are happy and comfortable with the Boots DE then stick with it a while. Try some different soaps and oils instead and even mix them a little, the keyword is experimentation. I never really liked the gels as I find them too sticky and have pretty much always used soaps. The only exception is King of Shaves gel, mixed with a little of their shave oil.
To be honest I think that at the start it could well cost a small fortune to try all these things out, but once you find the right combination for yourself you wont look back and in the long run it will save money. But to me saving the money is not the main thing, shaving is something a lot of us have to do every day, so we might as well make it as enjoyable as possible. Stick with the blade as you know it works for you, change the gels for soaps and brush and see how you go. Or at least that's what I would do.


this forum is full of enablers and if you are not careful will end up with loads off stuff

ive been very restrained since i started here last year and now own

3 straights
1 shavvete
1 de
4 brushes (had 5 but one was wrecked)
5 soaps
around 300+ de blades
Since DE and straight shaving I have never spent more!! Buy something new every week whether its a new cream, soap, balm, aftershave, blades to try etc.. ADDICT anyone?!?
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