Vitamix Blender

Friday July 10, 2009
I've just bought a Vitamix blender as it looks to be excellent for making juices and smoothies using the whole fruit/veg. The soups it makes look easy and delicious, not to mention the ice cream. Just wondered if anyone else uses this blender (or the Blendtec which is apparently very similar) and has any recipes or tips for using it.
You're a bit of a kitchen gadget monster aren't you?

Mrs Dad went through serious fruit juice/veg smoothie faze and bought a Vita Mix all on her own accord, I was so proud because it's certainly one dog's bollock of a machine but in the end we all grew tired of baby food and it migrated to the back of a cupboard. Very occasionally it comes out for a frozen fruit smoothie, you really don't want to be titing about with hot soup so we use a relatively cheap stick blender for that.

Not much help there but have fun while it lasts, it's very good at pureeing. You'll be more regular and even your turds will have a fine texture. ;)

Well we have smoothies almost every day. For example today's was four apples, two sticks celery, 1/4 cucumber, 1/4 lime, half a pineapple and a good handful of spinach all juiced then blended with half an avocado. The amount of gunk that comes out the back of the juicer is a real shame and we figured we could get rid of the juicer and less powerful blender this way and benefit from drinking the whole lot. We've been drinking healthy juices and smoothies for a few years now so figured that even if it only gets used for those it's still worth the money. I have to admit to buying it off one of those home shopping channels :oops: , our first ever purchase from one in fact. The chap demonstrating it did make it look excellent. The recipe for ice cream looked particularly good. Oh, and it's much easier to clean than the gadgets we use at the moment.

Hark at me, it hasn't even turned up yet and I'm evangelising about the thing. What might bring me down to earth is the unholy racket I reckon it will make!! :D
:lol: Knew it.

I'd almost forgot, as a counter to the fruit and veg based pureeing madness. Mars, Snicker ice cream workes quite well...Freeze chocolate add milk and some cream then blitz. Using Quality Street after Xmas wasn't good, tasted of strawberry and bad dark chocolate.

I'm not helping here am I.
antdad said:
:lol: Knew it.

I'd almost forgot, as a counter to the fruit and veg based pureeing madness. Mars, Snicker ice cream workes quite well...Freeze chocolate add milk and some cream then blitz. Using Quality Street after Xmas wasn't good, tasted of strawberry and bad dark chocolate.

I'm not helping here am I.

We're not complete health freaks if that's what you think. It just means I can eat biscuits and crisps with a bit less guilt! Pity about your lack of success with Quality Street as we always have some left too. Well, doesn't everybody? I expect the hens will enjoy the soft centres.

Oh, and did I mention it can make liquid plant fertiliser? And no, that's not the health drinks before anyone quips about it. :roll:
I wasn't digging at your health freakiness PC, it's just there is always a small chance with a great gadget that you try and make foods more palatable by pulping them to oblivion when actually we know as adults that much pleasure is derived from texture plus I detest all that over nannying by trying to disguise certain less child friendly food groups as something else.

As long as you didn't buy the blender because it came with a toy you should be fine.
Bought one last year after my heart attack.It was recommended I eat less fat and more fruit and veg,two commodities I was never keen on especially raw.I use it is used at least twice a day.I do a lot of whole fruit smoothies,using fruits I've never eaten before.Also great for iced coffee and alcoholic cocktails. It was a considered purchase because of the price,but one of the best things I've bought.Also look on the Vitamix website,lots of recipes.
norman said:
Bought one last year after my heart attack.It was recommended I eat less fat and more fruit and veg,two commodities I was never keen on especially raw.I use it is used at least twice a day.I do a lot of whole fruit smoothies,using fruits I've never eaten before.Also great for iced coffee and alcoholic cocktails. It was a considered purchase because of the price,but one of the best things I've bought.Also look on the Vitamix website,lots of recipes.

Thanks norman, any particular favourites?
They are all good depends what your favourite fruits are.I found adding stem ginger or a slice of lime lifts them up above the ordinary.Adds an edge to all fruit and veg drinks.
Pig Cat said:
soapalchemist said:
Is the jug glass?

Plastic. Why?

Because I just feel glass is cleaner; any kind of plastic seems to absorb strong smells, and get scratched over time. My current food processor has a glass blender jug, and I much prefer it; although I haven't dropped it yet. :D It is however of the usual blender design with the rubber ring and problem of trying to clean it all without dunking the bottom in water. But I think it's coming out to play tomorrow, as we have a bowl of raspberries, and a bowl of blackcurrents, and a couple of apples. Planning to nip up to TESCO (Taken Every Single Choice Off - sorry, best I can do) and bag a bag of carrots, and GO RAW! Well, for the time it takes to drink a juicie.
I'm not a big fan of plastic in close contact with food generally - I wonder what it leaches - but I'm sure it's not life threatening for short periods and generally cold or not very hot. I actually like the sound of the 'soup', although I imagine it would be warm, rather than really hot; but interesting the advertising spin. I have one of those gear juicers that can do leaves - and they sell themselves on the fact that unlike a blender, they don't heat up the juice thereby killing the enzymes.
Life's too short to stuff a mushroom. ;)
And thanks Norman; I happen to have some ginger in the fridge, so that's getting bunged in too.
We have had a Blendtec for a while now. As for using comes with a very good recipe book. Just load the jug & hit one of 15 pre programmed cycles. So easy even i can master it.

We eat alot of hommus & its the only blender we have had that blitzes whole garlic cloves before removing all the texture in the hommus.

Im sure the vitamix will be a match for it PC.
fozz77 said:
We have had a Blendtec for a while now. As for using comes with a very good recipe book. Just load the jug & hit one of 15 pre programmed cycles. So easy even i can master it.

We eat alot of hommus & its the only blender we have had that blitzes whole garlic cloves before removing all the texture in the hommus.

Im sure the vitamix will be a match for it PC.

It certainly will. This week we've made guacamole and blitzed a soup to velvety textures. I'm gradually sussing how to use it along with a juicer to make healthy smoothies. Oh, and a very nice Thai fish soup.
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