Vaping (smoking replacement)

Oh no, I have been puffing away on my Tornado Eco-g all afternoon and quite enjoyed it. Since spent the last 2-3 hours researching better quality models etc etc... Lots of nice shiny things! And just joined a vaping forum too! Oh dear...
A couple of weeks ago I got a call from my sister to say mum had been taken to hospital. Turns out she'd had a heart attack. She's making good progress and is out of hospital but has cut out the fags in favour of vaping. She seems happy with them as a full replacement (I've never tried either so can't comment). Hopefully these turn out to be more healthy
She's doing OK, considering. Thanks. At least there's no tar in it.
Having already got through cancer but not given up smoking I thought nothing would change her mind about the ciggies. Hope it lasts
I'm a keen sportsman but have always enjoyed smoking. I don't smoke now and have never habitually smoked. I never ever smoked much - 5 a day at most; occasional beer and curry fag bings. I do love the ceremony and relaxation that smoking provides however and especially as I have a stressful life I've always appreciate the chilled time I get when I do smoke. These benefits very much echo why I enjoy shaving so much.

Therefore I'm considering vaping with zero nicotine to get the ceremony and relaxation without the harmful stuff: impact on lung function, smell and cancer risks. It's tricky to work out if this is safe however and so I wondered if anyone who vapes has noticed any impact on lung function? Does your chest experience any tiredness due to vaping? In your opinion only, if you don't smoke would starting vaping but using no nicotine flavours be a bad idea? I appreciate I can do what I like, but would appreciate a chat about it....Comments welcome.....


Been vaping on and off for a year now, more seriously in the last month, and loving it.

So far so good.

I do fear two things: that one day (10 or 20 or 40 years time) they will find it is REALLY bad - like asbestos or something: no symptoms and then wham, too late!

But that's probably just my paranoia.

The only other thing I fear is the proposed restrictions. I think some very BIG tobacco businesses (and therefore tax revenues) have been hit hard by vaping and I can't see Philip Morris, BAT et al. taking that lying down.

They'll scaremonger and lobby (i.e. buy legislation) but the vapour genie is out of the bottle now and they'll not get it back in.

Just my 2c.
Jeltz said:
I think you will find that the large tobacco companies will be in charge of the supply of E-cigs and liquid before long.

No, China's got in there first.

Every market stall and corner shop is already selling vaping stuff - e-juice and cheap Kanger / eGo clones

The big boys have missed the boat.

I don't think they'll take it lying down.

We'll see.
They may have got there first but the tobacco companies have control of the supply side, assuming that the nicotine for these is extracted from tobacco, and we will probably see regulation and licensing which small producers and importers will struggle to comply with.
Jeltz said:
They may have got there first but the tobacco companies have control of the supply side, assuming that the nicotine for these is extracted from tobacco, and we will probably see regulation and licensing which small producers and importers will struggle to comply with.

Tobacco companies sell tobacco they don't produce it do they? There is all ready attempts at legislation going on. Tobacco companies own most of the cig looking ones you see in local shops
axelk said:
So guys, can someone help me with a starter kit suggestion? Not to expensive

I have got really into vaping in the last few months and it has sort of taken over from shaving as my new hobby/addiction. Similar thing really, lots of shiny things and I have spent loads on it in the last few months.
As a starter kit I would recommend something on an ego type battery but with a decent tank. are a good place to look.
This one is a good starter, giving you 2 batteries, 2 tanks, a charger and some extra replaceable heads. Would just need some liquid then.

If it was me though I would probably go for this as a really good starter set. Much better battery and tank.

These or similar would be good starter kits but there is so much more out there if and when you get into it. Then you have all the juices. If I can be of any further help let me know.
Also you could check out the planet of the vapes forum.

Good luck,

chriszacharek said:
axelk said:
So guys, can someone help me with a starter kit suggestion? Not to expensive

I have got really into vaping in the last few months and it has sort of taken over from shaving as my new hobby/addiction. Similar thing really, lots of shiny things and I have spent loads on it in the last few months.
As a starter kit I would recommend something on an ego type battery but with a decent tank. are a good place to look.
This one is a good starter, giving you 2 batteries, 2 tanks, a charger and some extra replaceable heads. Would just need some liquid then.

If it was me though I would probably go for this as a really good starter set. Much better battery and tank.

These or similar would be good starter kits but there is so much more out there if and when you get into it. Then you have all the juices. If I can be of any further help let me know.
Also you could check out the planet of the vapes forum.

Good luck,


Thank you very much. I'll have a look.
Fave flavour juices - whats yours?

Im liking Digbys Mums Custard so far and Accies Rhubarb, also can anyone recommend a step up from a V2 Spinner and a Kayfun mini / Kanger Emow but not too much more expense?
Hodda said:
Fave flavour juices - whats yours?

Im liking Digbys Mums Custard so far and Accies Rhubarb, also can anyone recommend a step up from a V2 Spinner and a Kayfun mini / Kanger Emow but not too much more expense?

At the moment my favourites are Goose Juice and Vapemunki Spiced Custard.

What's your current kit? The spinner and the KF mini?
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