Valobra Stick

Looks like this hasn't been reviewed yet...

I ordered this recently from Connaught.

It's fantastic! Has immediately jumped into my top 5.

The smell is very old-school soapy, doesn't linger. Some will prefer a more pronounced scent, but it's understated and great for everyday use, much like MWF and Trumper's Coconut.

Performance is fantastic. I'd say probably the best of all my soaps, perhaps only equalled by Cella. Really slick and great "afterslip". By that, I mean that after a pass, the addition of a tiny amount of water on the face creates a really slick film suitable for touch ups and buffing.

Skin care is great - face feels very comfortable after the shave, hardly need to bother with balms.

I have read that the AoS soaps are made by Valobra, can anyone confirm?

I'm not too hot on the shave stick format, but even so, a superb performer, and beats the English soaps IMO.

jhclare said:
I have read that the AoS soaps are made by Valobra, can anyone confirm?

It's fairly certain that the AoS soaps are made by Valobra and quite possibly the C&S soaps are too.

The Valobra stick is one of my favourites too and considerably cheaper than AoS or C&S. Nice review.
AoS soap contains tallow as does the Valobra stick but the Valobra soap is a different tallow free formula altogether.

What a minute John...Cella, Valobra stick!? I thought you were an anti tallowist.
antdad said:
AoS soap contains tallow as does the Valobra stick but the Valobra soap is a different tallow free formula altogether.

The soft soaps are Tallow-free? I didn't know that. I haven't tried them, yet. I wasn't keen on the overly sweet P160 scent - are they similar, or more bitter like Cella?

What a minute John...Cella, Valobra stick!? I thought you were an anti tallowist.

LOL.... not at all. I just don't think it's a magic ingredient. There are good and bad veggie soaps, just as there are good and bad tallow soaps.

True, true...the Valobra Almond is a soft soap like Cella and has a pleasant less artificial almond scent but not as good as Cella IMO.
Great review John,

If I was to write a review of this soap it would be word for word the same as above, this is one of a few soaps that is nigh on impossible to get wrong when lathering as it has a very wide sweet spot.

This is one of two soaps that have relegated all the others to the stash box and as such I would recommend to add to your to try list or just add to your next order. :shave
I was PIF'd a lump of Valobra soft soap a long while back. It has taken me a while to appreciate just how good it is, and now I find that the shave stick is supposed to be even better?! :icon_eek: I shall be ordering some of this very soon.

(Seems odd that the stick is tallow-based whereas the 'normal' soap isn't)
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