Wednesday August 26, 2009
New Forest, England.
"Of his four majors, this was McIlroy's most impressive. He won the first two by eight strokes and took down a classy field at the Open for his third. In this one he demonstrated an astonishing will to win to come from three strokes back on the inward half. His eagle at the 10th showed him capable of golf beyond the rest of the field - no one else hit that par 5 in two strokes. It was the most thrilling major in recent years, McIlroy prevailed in near darkness and took a giant step towards golfing greatness."

Excellent result for Mr. McIlroy.
I agree that this result can be looked upon as impressive from a point of view of having to perform under greater pressure than his others but I still reckon (and I think stats and logic back me up on this one) winning by 8 shots is more impressive than winning by 1. Another case of the media finding an angle to make their latest story more 'impressive' than their last.
I am impressed you carry a 3 iron, or is it only to club annoying spectators? :D
I thought Rory looked happier winning this than he did The Open which I find a bit weird.
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