Uncomfortable shaver to the fold.



Hello you all the fellow forum members.

Having been through the electric razors in the 80's, the multi blades in 90's.

A bit of both in the 00's i finally thought back to my father and his butterfly DA razor.

I jumped in with a Merkur 38 Barbers pole some Derby and a selection pack of blades.

Dabbled with pre shave oil and a few different soaps.

Mixed results some better shaves than others still cannot shave everyday and often discomfort even 3 or 4 days between.

Made a huge mistake asking for a Merkur Vision one Christmas that thing was lethal.

Sold on a year later.

Tried a Shavette, that can be harsh.

Then last year Christmas/New year i received one of the Ford & Medley new old stock Straight Razors.

Best shave ever but again not shaving every day and dabble in the goatee and even a beard from time to time.

Have been trying out different blades in the DA again but not having any real success with it.

Trying a 50/50 on the face with the Blue Beards Revenge to see if it reduces growth...:icon_smile:

Must admit im thinking im getting the Vintage straight razor collectors disease purchased 2 in a week...

Hope to learn and if i can support others.
Thank you Both for the warm Welcome.

As for CYC im sure im registered on there but dont frequent but very active on Detailing World.
_Phil_ said:
Hi James and welcome. I'm also on DW, but not much these days.

To Busy Detailing your face possibly..:icon_razz: Taking hair depth readings.... Thank you all for the warm welcome indeed.
Thank you all.

As for the user name, James is correct and i do know about the family name of D-arth etc but not related.
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