TT 2013

british west hartlepool
anyone here interested in it, anyone going? itv4's coverage is excellent and i cant wait for it to start. its got be the best motor sport event in the world, and the riders must have balls the size of planets. im hoping conor cummins can do something this year.
Can't wait for it to start. I'm not going but I'll be glued to the footage. I'm watching TT 2013: The Perfect Lap on ITV4 now, excellent and awe inspiring!
I went over to the TT races about 10 years ago as my brother lived there at the time and loved it. The atmosphere on the island was fantastic and the races are great to watch. Not really into the sport to be honest but really enjoyed the experience. If anybody ever gets the chance to go during the races then I would recommend it.
MachM said:
Can't wait for it to start. I'm not going but I'll be glued to the footage. I'm watching TT 2013: The Perfect Lap on ITV4 now, excellent and awe inspiring!

me too :D its insane the speed theyre going through streets. i was over there a few years ago and cant speak highly enough of the island, the people and the experience.
Yes I'll be watching! I'm a fairly regular visitor to the IOM as my wife has family there. I won't make the TT this year but I've been before. It's an essential pilgrimage for a biker. Though I must admit that it's also nice to take your bike and ride the course when the races are not on and it's a bit quieter. I echo the recommendation for TT closer the edge. Murray Walker described it as the best motorsport film of all time.
i ordered a book off amazon last week, just waiting for it to be delivered and it looks like its going to be a good read about the TT. its called the near death thing, it was shortlisted for sports book of the year..,
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