Travel Mugs and Flasks

Saturday December 3, 2011
Not sure if this is the right place to put this??

I simply want to take a cup of tea/ or coffee on my travels to work in the morning. I'm not sure if a flask or a mug style one would suit me better. I would prefer cheap (wouldn't we all) but non leaking is a must!
I have one (well a few) similar to this:

I have had it years and it works really well. It travels everywhere with me (Iraq to Afghan to Salisbury Plain) and despite my unconscious efforts, i haven't managed to break it!

You do have to make sure the lid is on properly, but then, you do with all thermal type mugs in my experience!
Well thats one bought thank you very much for the recommendation! What do you have to do about the pressure cap bit?
Nothing really. I don't usually take it off though on the odd occasion i have used the hole inside to store Tea-bags.

Enjoy, from what i have seen, no matter who the manufacturer is, they tend to be the same. (Mine is, well was, branded Mountain Equipment - but mine is quite scratched so it is more silver than black these days!)
Thanks it seems fairly strong and water tight which always helps! Just soaking it now in boiling water to see how well it does an to get some of the whiff out of it. Test drive will be tomorrow!
I have found with these metal mugs that unlike traditional flasks, there is no real requirement to "warm up the pot" prior to filling with your drink of choice.

Give both ways a whirl as i guess each may function slightly differently, but i very rarely pre warm these days.

(Ha one of mine is that old and heavily used, the silver inside is no longer silver! Very well coffee / Tea stained!)

Hope it works out for you.
as a sidenote

i picked up a black thermous for £10 in sainsburrys

i fill flask with coffee at 6am and still hot enough to burn at 6pm

no need to preheat either
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