Todays drink with a Rorschach test *8/3 blob*...

RE: Todays drink with a Rorschach test *9/23 blob*...

Unfortunatly I see the damned rat too, no wonder I had some problems inmy belly yesterday ... I'll try a de rat latte today :D
RE: Todays drink with a Rorschach test *9/24 blob*...

RE: Todays drink with a Rorschach test *9/24 blob*...

Something spooky! Too little eyes, a tiny pointed nose and a low down smile in a massive ghostly head Whoooooooooo!!!!!!!
RE: Todays drink with a Rorschach test *9/24 blob*...

A Minky whale laughing. Men you need to open your minds, we could become the new Surrealists of the shaving world, our leader Mikael. PS carl jung & Sigmund Freud would be proud of you Mikael, but the Rorschach test is fun, but I think the only thing it really proves is the more creative and imaginative one is the more you enjoy these sort of test, dont stop i'm really enjoying them.


RE: Todays drink with a Rorschach test *9/24 blob*...

...My initial thought was an Aubrey Beardsley drawing of seated Woman in a crinoline.

Spot on my thought aswell :icon_surprised:

Cheers Jamie, I'll keep them coming then :D
RE: Todays drink with a Rorschach test *9/24 blob*...

Great minds think alike Eh.

A brilliant idea Mikael......just love 'em..PLEASE KEEP THEM COMING....they Keep the old brain cells functioning.........................Well that and very strong coffee.......
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