TOBS sandalwood cream

So far my experience is just EJ aloe vera soap and Palmolive, so I'm looking to try a cream. The TOBS sandalwood bowl has great reviews on Amazon, but that may not mean much.

Here's the link, anyone here tried it?
I haven't used mine yet so I can't help you with a review , however ,
if you do decide to buy I would suggest you look at buying from The Traditional Shaving Company where it is only £8.95p with free delivery and you get 10% discount using the code found in the Vendor's section .
The quaint little touch of 3 delicious fudge sweet's , I found , was another delicious incentive to buy from them .
Cheers guys. Have used their sandalwood body soap and deodorant stick, both of which were really nice, so keen to give this a try. As the cream is in a bowl do you just dip the brush straight in?
TOBS are damn fine soaps and creams, really good - but - watch out for skin reaction. All the creams eat my skin alive and I get an especially bad reaction to their sandalwood. Hope you are not affected.
Thanks for the heads up. Just placed my order - voucher has expired but not too fussed. Looking forward to trying it with the new razor from Rob
If any of the TOBS were to cause irritation it would be sandalwood or grapefruit. Both are great scents though. Grapefruit I found slightly drying which makes sense as the EO is drying. Also sandalwood is not a true sandalwood more talc based so totally different to AOS or trumpers.
The sandalwood cream arrived today and I had been waiting to shave since the weekend so I could use it. Was a little disappointed my box didn't contain the sweets other people received, but the product - wow! Absolutely amazing smell, immediate and brilliant lather, excellent shave and no irritation.
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