Tin Openers - do decent ones exist?

Monday June 13, 2011
How long has your tin opener lasted for? I had a Magican tin opener which lasted for around 4 years. It was the older sort, price £4.50.

I then had a cheap butterly handle opener, which laster around 4 months, price 75p.

Then a really nice one with grippy handles which packed up a few days ago, after 4 months. The serated wheel kept slipping, causing the can to topple over. Price £5.99.

So back to Magican, except it is hollower, and less weighty, price £4.50.

I also have a 'Knat' can opener which I bought for around £1, and is an old style can opener, not the rotating blade type, and has lasted 20 years. I tend to use this to pierce a hole in the bottom of the tin, and use the other opener to remove the top. This is ideal for more firmer contents like mushy peas, or maybe pet food, as it slides out of the tin more easily - a bit like the Pedegree Chum advert even though I don't have a dog.

Are can openers more like can't openers?

It is always a problem finding can openers that do the job.
I bought my elderly Ma an Oxo good grip opener then I bought myself one, that was about eight years ago. Very comfy and makes short work of any lid.
Turns out mine is a Magican, skanky looking thing by now, had it for twenty five years and going strong. Think I'll chuck it in a bowl full of a cleaner of some sort, see if I can improve its appearance. It only opens a couple or four dozen cans a year, I'd guess - nah! way less - took me half an hour to find it the other day when I wanted a tuna sandwich - it was exactly where it was supposed to be but so were a lot of other things.
antdad said:
I bought my elderly Ma an Oxo good grip opener then I bought myself one, that was about eight years ago. Very comfy and makes short work of any lid.

We haven't got that one but if we had to replace it I'd go for the above. All their stuff that I have used is good quality and does the job well.
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