Thought would say hello...

Wednesday April 2, 2014
So I got introduced to DE shaving on a motorbike forum... bought a new razor, some derby blades, soap, brush and a shaving bowl...

Asking lots of questions I got directed here by a member on here called TRX... who kindly set me some sample blades to try...

I now have an urge to buy more razors, blades, soaps, creams and so on...

Can anyone help me with my new obsession!!! :D

Hello everyone :)
Hi and welcome, funny I just listed a Shoei lid on flea bay, I coulda offered a trade here! Loads to learn about and you will find this resource an excellent way forward, enjoy!
Thanks guys...

At the moment I'm using an EJ DE86BL razor with EJ shaving soap and EJ shaving brush and bowl.

I bought 100 pack of derby blades which have been average... if anyone wants some let me know.

Currently using Astra SP and Sputnik blades which I am enjoying but want to try others soon.

Shaving process is... shower and wash face and neck with nivea exofolating facewash, lather up in soap bowl with EJ shaving soap then 2 x WTG passes with the DE86 ... occasionally do ATG under my chin if needed but try to avoid doing so as makes my chin sore. Rinse with cold water and then apply nivea sensitive aftershave balm.

Had some great shaves with the Astra SP and Sputniks... some average and not so average shaves with the Derby's... I think I might try a different blade tonight :)

I went from wet shaving using cartridge system razors a few years ago... got fed up with the cost and went to electric for 2-3yrs... then when my electric needed new blades at a cost of nearly £60 and seeing a post about DE shaving being relatively cheap in comparison to cartridge systems I thought would give it a try.

Not sure about being 'cheap' but its certainly less of a chore compared to using an electric shaver and gives better results. Not used a cartridge system for years now to compare and given how good a shaves I've had with a DE cannot see me bothering.

Lots of practice needed ... :)
Yes it's a shame the replacement electric shave heads cost more than the price of a whole new shaver – you end up throwing away an otherwise serviceable shaver.

I did my favorite today of an electric shave before showering and DE shave after. It's always satisfying to see how much more the wet shave removes.
Waves Hello

I'll apologise now. My next bit of advice, hand the wallet and credit cards over the wife now, and put some sort of sign off process in place so you an't get it back while lusting after new razors, brushes or soaps. RAD, SAD and BAD are afflictions well recongised on here, most of the forum are serios suffferers :D
Mr OCD said:
Lol :D ... I've already ordered the Merkur 37c slant you bad man! :D

Next I want to try some soaps... :p

Happily there is an entire section of TSR dedicated to discussion about shaving soaps, from Arko and Palmolive sticks, through to high end soaps that the Yorkshireman in me has managed to keep my wallet away from so far :)
TRXnMe said:
Mr OCD said:
Lol :D ... I've already ordered the Merkur 37c slant you bad man! :D

Next I want to try some soaps... :p

Happily there is an entire section of TSR dedicated to discussion about shaving soaps, from Arko and Palmolive sticks, through to high end soaps that the Yorkshireman in me has managed to keep my wallet away from so far :)

... and I spent several hours reading various parts of the site last night! :blush:

Happy with my DE86 and the slant 37C for now razor wise... still got a few blades I'd like to try but definately want to try a shaving cream (using soap atm) and some post shave balms.

Birtdhday soon so will make ideal presents... any recommendations? - dont mind buying a few :)
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