There And Back Again.

London U.K
Hello one and all.
It's been a long old time since I was in these parts (about a year and a half at least I think), so I thought I'd better say hello again to those that may remember me and hello to those that have found this splendid place whilst I was away.
So why the long break away? Well, in a nut shell, I found a little corner of shaving nirvana in the shape of Muhle R41 o/c, a tube of Palmolive, a splash of Floid blue and a couple of New Forest silver tips.
So far,so good right? Absolutely. Then, the other day, I looked at the razors on my rack that I'd narrowed down to a trim five and picked up my Ever Ready 1912 SE, popped in a Gem blade and really took my time for the first time in a long time.
Everything came back to me; the pleasure of the shave, the smell of a good lather and with that, the gentlemanly camaraderie here at TSR.
So here I am, back again.
You can take the man from The Shaving Room but not The Shaving Room from the man.
Finally, a warm very belated welcome to those that found their way here during the time I was away and a just as warm hello to everybody out there.
Welcome back - I too found my way here in your absence, so haven't made your aquaintance before; and yes, a 1912 is in my rotation (in fact, currently sitting on the cabinet with a fresh blade ready for it's 1st outing for a while)
UKRob said:
I wondered where you'd been - not ready for your straights again just yet?
Ha! I still have the rather delicious Le Grelot you sold me sir.
All I need now is to learn the patience to have the patience to learn to use it. Good to be back.

Shemen Zait said:
Welcome back, a tube of Palmolive and the R41 is a good antidote for RAD.
Well it is...until you find something else to tempt you. Oh bum... Thanks for the welcome, both from your kind self and the other gentleman that gave me welcome. It's lovely to be back.
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