The Schicks

Hi Guys

I've had a few SEs including the "Damaskeen", Valets, Gems etc but noticed the Schick "C" series awhile ago. Won these 2 on the 'bay and also got this one there as well. So now I have all 3 of the "C"s. They shave amazingly well and are kinda fun to load and change blades with. Fold up nicely for travelling and store the extra blades in the handle. Here's a couple of pics. The first one is the open comb, the next is the smooth bar and the last one is the closed comb (which I haven't received yet)[attachment=3786][attachment=3787][attachment=3788][attachment=3789]


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I've used almost all the Schick injectors, but never got around to test driving that particular model. I've handled em though and it's an odd kinda feel in my hand. I'd get used it to, but it would take a few times.

I think I'd guess the same as Johnny about how much bite that one has. I'll be curious to hear how that one fits.
Thanx guys

They shave really well. I do a BBS in 2 passes. The nice thing about them as opposed to, oh lets' say an R41, is they are forgiving. You don't have to go to Defcon 8 just to shave. I do like my R41 but it's a very specific razor and used for when I have a few days of beard growth. The Schicks are everyday easy.
Thanks Huck, that's interesting. Just underlines the importance of not leaping to conclusions about a razor's characteristics by appearance. I've never seen one of those before, my own Schick tends to give a shade of razor burn after 3 or 4 days consecutive use.
Razor burn in our house puts me up to "Bikini Amber" readiness.

JohnnyO. \:icon_razz:
huck1680 said:
Thanx guys

They shave really well. I do a BBS in 2 passes. The nice thing about them as opposed to, oh lets' say an R41, is they are forgiving. You don't have to go to Defcon 8 just to shave. I do like my R41 but it's a very specific razor and used for when I have a few days of beard growth. The Schicks are everyday easy.

What's up Don,

Heh, not that I'm doubting you about the performance, but when I see that head I think of the old E and G types, except yours has a different safety bar. Personally, I can't use em because of the bite, and the blade gap on yours is pretty imposing I gotta say.

For a razor to give me a very good two pass shave it's gonna have some serious whisker whacking potential. The R41 is a razor I'd never even bother trying, although it's a good fit for you. The magic Gillette setting for me is just #4, so you can see where the R41 could be difficult.

Heh, I'm still gonna maintain my thought about that injector being a possible bloodsucking little vampire razor.


Did I mention how huge that gap looks? Oh yeah, I did include that earlier.

I hear you and see what you mean, but for me these are an amazingly easy shave. The gap looks as you said imposing however I shave with these several times a week and so far absolutely no problems. If you're happy with the #4 setting you're right the R41 is not a good match up for you. Still if you ever get a chance to try one of the "C" types you might be surprised. But then I traded a Goodfella for a Cooncat Long comb with this guy who found the Goodfella to be aggressive along with the "Bluetip" I threw in as well. Both of which I found to be mild shavers. It is as we all know, a personal thing.
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