The result of a moment of insanity

In a moment of madness I snagged this Kropp:



Should be here next week sometime, I don't think I will have the courage to actually use it though, I figure I must be related to a magpie, I'm attracted to shiny metalic objects.

Send it out and get it honed :D

You picked a nice razor. The TI scales look great on it. Low spine wear and a nice clean edge.

You already shave with a DE, so you should have lather and prep sorted.

Just take things steady. Do your cheeks then finish with the DE, Then do a little more on the next shave. You'll soon be doing everything with just the straight.

The advantage or the straight is you can do longer passes, Cover more face per pass. And look badass in the mirror. You can also clean it in just a wipe between passes no more dunking and swishing about in the bowl.

You are going to need a strop, the cheapest UK one that I've seen for sale that I would trust is the one on invisible edge.

There is a standard one for £21.
And a canvas backed one for £29.

I'd get the canvas backed one.

And if you want to move over to this type of shaving after using it a few times then perhaps a second strop to be used with 0.25 diamond spray, and 0.5 micron chrome oxide should keep a single razor shaving for a very very long time (years) between honing.
Yes I had been watching it for a wee while but no real intention of buying. Then, I put in what seamed like a low offer, sure that someone would bid higher in the last minute and now I am the owner of a face peeler. :p

It is a 6/8 and has made and ground in Sheffield on the tang... The more I look at this the more I realize that I may have to get a strop :p watching geofatboys videos is not helping lol.

Iceni said:
Send it out and get it honed :D

You picked a nice razor. The TI scales look great on it. Low spine wear and a nice clean edge.

You already shave with a DE, so you should have lather and prep sorted.

Just take things steady. Do your cheeks then finish with the DE, Then do a little more on the next shave. You'll soon be doing everything with just the straight.

The advantage or the straight is you can do longer passes, Cover more face per pass. And look badass in the mirror. You can also clean it in just a wipe between passes no more dunking and swishing about in the bowl.

You are going to need a strop, the cheapest UK one that I've seen for sale that I would trust is the one on invisible edge.

There is a standard one for £21.
And a canvas backed one for £29.

I'd get the canvas backed one.

And if you want to move over to this type of shaving after using it a few times then perhaps a second strop to be used with 0.25 diamond spray, and 0.5 micron chrome oxide should keep a single razor shaving for a very very long time (years) between honing.

oh how i wish you hadn't said all that, i thought the straights had to be regularly set upon with a set of those expensive stones and for that reason i was out, now i know only a strop is needed after its been honed i may well be in. Ive only been DE shaving a couple of months and have already got a birth year slim, a 1912 SE on the way and now theres this, damn damn and damn again.

atb Paul
It is listed as shave ready hellofromme but as I am a complete newbie about these things I am uncertain, I will wait until I get it in my grubby fingers (I have them all at the moment) before I decide.

Thanks for the link Iceny and the advice much appreciated and I have bookmarked the links just to put temptation a 1 click away. I think I will more than likely send it to be checked before I use it so that I can be sure its ok.

oh how i wish you hadn't said all that, i thought the straights had to be regularly set upon with a set of those expensive stones and for that reason i was out, now i know only a strop is needed after its been honed i may well be in. Ive only been DE shaving a couple of months and have already got a birth year slim, a 1912 SE on the way and now theres this, damn damn and damn again.

It's a common misconception on the forums. If you only want to shave and have no plans to expand a collection then hones are a not a needed item.

You don't even need a second strop if truth be told.

A nice section of balsa wood 2-3" wide and 1/2" thick at a stropping length 8-14". Doped one side with chrome oxide and the other with Diamond 0.25 compound will keep an edge going.

You use the diamond side first for 8-15 laps (less is more), And then 8-15 laps on the chrome oxide side to smooth things over. Then go back to canvas then leather.

It's enough abrasion to keep the edge nice, and the shave smooth. And the only reason you would ever need to hone is if you cocked it up big style, like a chip or someone runs the razor edge on a work surface ect.

I would still advise the razor be honed at the start of the cycle, by someone trusted, but after that you just need to be careful.

Balsa wood is also very very cheap. And stocked in just about every model railway, RC car, tabletop wargames, and Model aircraft store. Most cities have somewhere you can just buy the stuff over the counter.
It had to happen at some point I suppose. Stropping will be something I need to learn but one that I will look forward too, It usually takes me a little longer than average for me to get the hang of thinks but preserverance wins the day in most cases..

Thanks Braveblades its good to know that I didn't nab a paperknife lol.

The hanging hair test is a good way to test the razor. There are some excellent eBay sellers who do sell shave ready, but sadly others who say it but don't deliver. There is a great post on the hanging hair test on another thread and worthy of a read.

Kropps are lovely razors and have a large fan base in this forum!
I'm the proud new owner of one of Braveblades' previous kropps and it's great! I enjoy the shaving with it and quite like stropping too - I got a strop from Westholme strops, it is lovely and a bargain too, chap is extremely helpful too so highly recommended!
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