The Personal Barber Shaving Subscription

Hi Everyone,

Not sure if this thread is in the correct area or not (please move if it isn't).

I started wet shaving 6 months ago and I must say I have never looked back. I genuinely enjoy the experience and I'm now happy that I can finally have a close shave without breaking into a rash or getting spots.

I have found that the thing I most look forward to is trying new products such as shaving soaps, oil, balms etc. But in the UK there just isn't as much selection, especially when compared to America that has hundreds of relatively small time (Or big time by UK standards in many cases) producers that make fantastic products.

Anyway to cut a long story short I decided I would set up a small subscription business for others like me that want to always be trying new products (as well as hopefully convert some of the masses from plastic cartridge razors).

The website is called

The first box includes a basic safety razor and shaving brush which probably won't interest forum users such as yourselves with your shaving tool collections but is important for new users to get started. It also includes 2 small independently produced shaving soaps, one unscented and one refreshingly lime and lemongrass scented as well as replacement blades, alum matchsticks and a handy step by step guide on wet shaving.

From the second month onwards, recurring members will get new soaps, more blades and other great products such as balms and oils. Each month will be different.

I've really enjoyed reading the posts in the forums so I'd love to know what you guys think and if any of you are interested in signing up there is currently a 20% subscription discount for life. The code is: SMOOTHSHAVE4LIFE20

All the best

Having seen Stateside versions of this, I'm glad to see it's popped up in the UK. As you mentioned, I dare say many here would not be interested in adding to their razor & brush collections. Perhaps give guys the option to pass on the razor & brush? I do like that you have a "skip a month" option. Not sure I could let another pack of Derbys under my roof though!

Will you stick with European/UK products?
Good luck with your venture, We are currently launching a very similar service to yours after a similar experience. I wish you all the best and if you wish to discuss ideas etc drop me a line.
Hi Dax,

We are in no way affiliated with Wet Shave Club in the US however I must admit they were a big inspiration for us.


We won't just be sticking with UK products but aim to provide a selection from all over the world. In fact we have a fantastic selection of soaps in the pipeline from the US as we speak so look forward to that! As mentioned in the initial post, this month we have one unscented and one scented soap included in the box, both are handmade from small independent stores in the UK. We want to keep things interesting by sending you stuff you may not have tried before.
The option to skip the razor and brush for the first month is actually an option that is currently being set up for those already with a large collection.
As for the razors, these actually change each month. This month includes Derby's and Wilkinson Sword. We included Derby's in the first month because they are a relatively dull blade and thought it best for first time wet shavers. Feathers will be included in a later box after users have practised a bit ;)

Good luck to you too, looking forward to seeing what you're going to offer
Hi Dax,

That's very odd, this is the first report I've had of the Join page not working for anyone.

try the above link and let me know if you still get any problems. If you use the promotion code: SMOOTHSHAVE4LIFE20 you will get 20% off a monthly subscription forever.

Apologies for it not loading for you.

All the best
Works ok for me.

bladeandbrush said:
Hi Dax,

That's very odd, this is the first report I've had of the Join page not working for anyone.

try the above link and let me know if you still get any problems. If you use the promotion code: SMOOTHSHAVE4LIFE20 you will get 20% off a monthly subscription forever.

Apologies for it not loading for you.

All the best

Tried the discount code but it doesnt work.
Hi Guys,

I'm sorry to hear you're still having this problem. I'll look into this and try and find what's causing it.

Is it for all of the site or just the subscribe page?


Where are you trying to apply the code? The promotion is for month to month subscriptions only, if you try to sign up for 3, 6 or 12 month subscriptions the promotion won't work (as they already have up to 28% off each box)

Does this fix the problem?

All the best
bladeandbrush said:
Hi Guys,

I'm sorry to hear you're still having this problem. I'll look into this and try and find what's causing it.

Is it for all of the site or just the subscribe page?


Where are you trying to apply the code? The promotion is for month to month subscriptions only, if you try to sign up for 3, 6 or 12 month subscriptions the promotion won't work (as they already have up to 28% off each box)

Does this fix the problem?

All the best

Tried it on the monthly shavebox and it said failed to apply coupon, coupon code does not exist.
I have checked with my server hosts and it seems they have had a few hiccups recently which is most likely the cause of some people getting a connection time out.

Please let me know if this problem persists for you so I can get to the bottom of it as fast as I can. Everything is currently operational so in theory you should be good to go.


That's very strange that it isn't working for you. The only thing I can think of is perhaps you are copying and pasting it in with a blank space so it looks like the correct code but has an extra space in it.

Could you possibly send a screenshot of the error message to me at: ?

Thank you so much for your patience.

All the best
bladeandbrush said:
I have checked with my server hosts and it seems they have had a few hiccups recently which is most likely the cause of some people getting a connection time out.

Please let me know if this problem persists for you so I can get to the bottom of it as fast as I can. Everything is currently operational so in theory you should be good to go.


That's very strange that it isn't working for you. The only thing I can think of is perhaps you are copying and pasting it in with a blank space so it looks like the correct code but has an extra space in it.

Could you possibly send a screenshot of the error message to me at: ?

Thank you so much for your patience.

All the best

Not quite that technical yet, how do you take a screenshot?
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