The Month of Movember is upon us!

LOL - nice one Ian...

My total has ticked up by another £45 since I last posted just over an hour ago - up to £105 now! :)

One last shameless plug for donations: :)
Well done to all. I've managed to find Pig Cat's video; at the start I thought he was wearing a dangly earring, but no.......
Who wants to claim their little prize?
soapalchemist said:
Well done to all. I've managed to find Pig Cat's video; at the start I thought he was wearing a dangly earring, but no.......
Who wants to claim their little prize?

Don't know how everyone finished up but my total was £216, I am pleased with that.
soapalchemist said:
Well done to all. I've managed to find Pig Cat's video; at the start I thought he was wearing a dangly earring, but no.......
Who wants to claim their little prize?

Yes I saw that. It's actually an elephant clock that for some reason has ended up in the bathroom until decorating and renovation take over.

What prize??
Yeah I've just bought one of those great coffee machines mentioned in the recent coffee machine thread but can't find the "pay with Movember button"?!
Owing to the fact that I appear to work with a bunch of Luddites, most my donations have been passed to me IN CASH, and then I've had to put the money in myself and then provide receipts.

soapalchemist said:
Pig Cat said:
soapalchemist said:
Who wants to claim their little prize?

Yes I saw that. It's actually an elephant clock that for some reason has ended up in the bathroom until decorating and renovation take over.

What prize??

Soap of your choice to the highest fundraiser.

I made £190. I don't think that's the highest. :icon_cry2:
My company team raised £8215, yes that's EIGHT THOUSAND POUNDS, which will be doubled by my employer !!

Well worth the grief from my wife for a month.

Here's my last pic from yesterday.

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