The internet - some thoughts to share?


Create a blog which enables you to share an interest with others. I developed a blog about my interest in bells. It has led to me getting regular contacts from people all over the world, mainly asking for advice. It's a real buzz to help people when you can or point them in the right direction.

Any study of a subject you care to make is enriched by accessing the virtually unlimited resources now available to you.

Specific advice on a problem. I remember posting an issue on an Apple site resolved within minutes by someone in San Francisco


Social networking sites that provide opportunities for deceit that sometimes lead to tragedy.

Self diagnosis of illnesses best dealt with by your doctor.

Carelessness in financial matters and in responding to bogus emails.

Oh dear England 118-9.
Having encountered "cyber crime" on a very low level, usually daft wee girls and boys threatening each other with e-mails and dodgy texts,or, someone selling a car for £5000 to a Nigerian chap, but being offered £5800 for the car, if he put £3000 in the guys account first, to be re-paid upon closure of the deal of course :eek: , I have to agree with Tony. Unless you do something really dodgy and are stupid, or unlucky, the chances of you being caught are very, very small. The high profile cases of celebs being "caught" with paedophile porn, Glitter & Townsend spring to mind, were because one of them told the repair guy not to look at certain areas on a laptop, and Mr Townsend placed his credit card details on an FBI sting, which consequently led to Operation Ore in this country. The analogy I best remember is from a representative from an IP company being asked the problems with "policing" the net. and what could the firms do. He stated "Sure, as long as you ask the Royal Male to do the same, and open every letter and package sent to make sure that every item is legal"

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