TESCO - misprice on wine - very cheap

antdad said:
Not for me....only the 25% off for 6.

Press have it, it's over...


Double check if you had the any £12 for three, depending on the price per bottle they may of over charged you.

i.e. 6 x £6 = £36 less 25% = £27 but 2 loads at 3 for £12 = £24. You could go back and say you wanted two loads of the 3 for £12. Tescos give you double the difference they over charge too. No matter what you should get at least the cheaper deal. If they won't play get a refund, then go back buy three for £12 and then make a point of going back in again for another 3 for £12.

Whilst liking Tesco as its so near to us their pricing and errors at the till are all too frequent. SWMBO checks the bill every time and its rare we are not over charged. A few pennies here and there we don't bother about, but once it was over £9 which was nice as they doubled the difference.
No I didn't get overcharged...4.99 reduced from 9.99 (supposedly) + 25% off so fairly decent plonk for just less than four quid a bottle.

I guess they quickly realised £4.99 is the cut off to stop the discount pricing anomoly.


Very nice too although its a tad early...hic.
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