Tesco blades

West Devon
Today while doing other things I went into Tesco's for some energy drinks and while walking past the mens' toiletries just happened to see if they sold any DE blades of any make. The only make I saw was Tesco's chrome DE blades with platinum coating.

10 for £1.90

I'm going to try one tomorrow.
The Tesco blades I bought have no branding on the blade whatsoever - completely blank. They were also a bit lethal in my 33C so they may suit my Slim quite well but I haven't tried them yet after the previous bad experience with them.
I'm not sure what they'd be but having just used one I can confirm that they do indeed come in a plain white wrapper and that there's no writing/logos or markings on the blade at all.


Pass one was tuggy as hell and was pulling so badly I thought it was going to cut me. It didn't

Pass two was much smoother but left a lot of hair behind.

Pass three left me pretty much BBS but my chin is stinging like a stingy thing.

Having only Derbys to compare these to I'm not sure. Maybe one's face needs to adjust to a different blade? I can't remember a shave being this difficult and uncomfortable before. The jury's still out.

Maybe I should just shave more often but having said that, when I do think about doing it every day I can feel my skin screaming in protest and so I don't bother. It's normally a twice-weekly thing for me.
MarkDifferential said:
I'm not sure what they'd be but having just used one I can confirm that they do indeed come in a plain white wrapper and that there's no writing/logos or markings on the blade at all.


Pass one was tuggy as hell and was pulling so badly I thought it was going to cut me. It didn't

Pass two was much smoother but left a lot of hair behind.

Pass three left me pretty much BBS but my chin is stinging like a stingy thing.

Having only Derbys to compare these to I'm not sure. Maybe one's face needs to adjust to a different blade? I can't remember a shave being this difficult and uncomfortable before. The jury's still out.

Maybe I should just shave more often but having said that, when I do think about doing it every day I can feel my skin screaming in protest and so I don't bother. It's normally a twice-weekly thing for me.

That's pretty much what I find when I used Personnas. Most [people like them, but no blade suits absolutely everyone.
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