Tech Help if needed.

Hi everyone, just wanted to put myself on the tablet for advice and help.

Just as everyone here has helped me and others with shaving related stuff, I want to provide help in ways I can.

Been using and building my own computers since I was 12, however last year moved to Mac Osx for my macbook pro.
Heavy gamer, 360, Ps3... i have a wii but do not use.

Have recently been employed part time with Game station and Currys (since 16, while at college and Uni) so I have picked up quite a bit of knowledge and tips from those two.

So basically any techy questions or troubles or anything feel free to pm me, and I will try and help if I can and give something back to this community.


CozzyB (Corwin)
Thanks Corwin, there are often questions on here relating to computers and technology. It is good to have someone else here who can help with advice. I'm sure it won't be long before you are also helping with shaving problems too though!
I agree!..I am also a Techie..I work from home mostly as an RDT..(Remote Desktop Technician) that would make 2 people you can PM for any tech questions... :mrgreen:

MCNP-Microsoft Certified Networking Program

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