Tattoo artists that cannot spell...

cheer me up no end.



Stop this at once Antster !!! It's usually Vinny (not Joe) who has me spray painting the vdu & keyboard with my morning coffee. I just won't be able to cope with two of you inducing temporary urinary incontinence first thing in the day.

JohnnyO. \:icon_razz:[/u]
pjgh said:
"your" ... or "you're"?

Should be "You're". There's room for an "e" and an apostrophe, it's a pity they didn't fill that in while they were sorting out "pettle". I thought three initially because of the poorly-executed "a" in "petal". Now that I think about it though, the "You're" should have a capital "Y" so I'm back up to three on that one, four if you count the missing full stop.

I would never assume that a tattoo artist knows how to spell, and anything with lettering I would write down.
Strict grammatical practice doesn't quite apply to tattooing if there is some "artistic" merit or style, having said that petal has an uppercase P if you really want to add another to the remedial list.
Artistic license would be a different matter, that's just shit English. I hadn't noticed the upper case P in petal. If that was mine I'd either get it covered up, or get the corrections tattooed in red ink.
Dennis Leary once pointed out one of the pitfalls of getting tattoos done. After describing the thought process from the point of view of the target, (bad designs, permanence etc) he said "AND, I'm going to get a fat hairy smelly stupid guy to do it too". That about sums it up I think.
pjgh said:
"your" ... or "you're"?


... although see a Doctor. Diabetes?

Being an old geezer I think that fits a urologist pretty well. Those kinds of gratifying peeing episodes are not as common as they were a while back......sigh.
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