Talk me into a straight

People have run pass-arounds with things of similar value in the past, I think. I'm probably too sentimental to sell it, as my first straight-shaving experience, but I don't actually USE it as I have the prettier wood-handled one too. It feels the proper thing to do, and God knows I've some kindnesses from other members to pay back to our collective soul.

Oh, and it used to belong to Vinny, so it would bless your moustache too.

Offer stands. You don't have to decide now.

Oh, and that's exactly the model I'm talking about :). Very good price for a new one!

I personally would advise to start with the guard blades and switch when you've built some confidence.
I wonder if I should get myself one of these Feathers. :idea: I tried straights but didn't get on particularly well with them, always felt blunt to me. Perhaps learning with a Feather might be a better idea. :)Ooh you bloody enablers ;);)
I have used the Feather Club RG with some degree of success but a bit of impatience on my part, I decided to sell it a while back.
Now I have bought a Boker 5/8 straight which I'm more nervous about using than I was with the Feather.
I also Have another Boker 5/8 which you're welcome to try if you like.
Personally though I'd go down the Feather route first and see how you get on.
Im new to straights and think that since you're this far into shaving you might as well try as many styles as you can. DE, SE, straights, shavettes - hell, i even used a cartridge once :)
Lose the beard said:
I wonder if I should get myself one of these Feathers. :idea: I tried straights but didn't get on particularly well with them, always felt blunt to me. Perhaps learning with a Feather might be a better idea. :)Ooh you bloody enablers ;);)

One thing is for cetain; you'll have no issue with lack of sharpness with a Feather.

Nothing to do with this thread really, but just notcied that I joined TSR on the 8th March 2012.
On that day I bought a boots DE razor to practise with until my EJ DE89 turned up.

So its official. My first "proper" shave was exactly one year today. Happy anniversary me. :D
(I should buy myself a gift...... now what could that be??)
Told SWMBO about my desire, she tutted and rolled her eyes.
Talked about taking up Dr Ricks kind offer and she said no, I wasn't to borrow something so valuable.

Strange I thought. Until literally 2 minutes ago, when she told me that she had gone to the computer after me yesterday, found connaughts in my history and ordered it for me. As an easter present.

Mrs cruciate had just made me very happy indeed. :D
cruciate said:
Told SWMBO about my desire, she tutted and rolled her eyes.
Talked about taking up Dr Ricks kind offer and she said no, I wasn't to borrow something so valuable.

Strange I thought. Until literally 2 minutes ago, when she told me that she had gone to the computer after me yesterday, found connaughts in my history and ordered it for me. As an easter present.

Mrs cruciate had just made me very happy indeed. :D

Outstanding of your SWMBOB be warned she may have life insurance on your ass and could cash in :icon_twisted: but hopefully not she loves you :heart:
OK, so first go is over.

1. The proguard blades are superb. What a way to introduce straight shaving with less fear. The wires protecting the blade are tiny, but most definitely there, and the confidence they inspire is great.
2. Don't your arms get in the way? Couldn't see what I was doing for half of it because of an elbow sticking up and getting in the way of the mirror.
3. My left hand doesn't do what I tell it.
4. The fina result after one pass was.... well.... about the same as my first DE shave really. It wasn't perfect, but it was passable. I didn't run a second pass (although I did touch up with my R41), and its given me belief that it will come and will be the greatest shave I've ever had.
5. The Razor itself - great idea, and I like the way if feels. I was slightly surprised by the thing. It was lighter than expected and the blade holding mechanism was (albeit very clever) less elegant than I expected. I would be disappointed at the £150 that executive shaving are charging, but at £99 from Connaughts it feels about right.

I am so pleased I did this rather than a Dovo, and once again the proguard blades really make it a cinch. I could see myself learning to use this as an everyday razor when I get proficient.
When I move onto the unguarded "pro" blades my thoughts may change entirely. But if I aim for 4-5 shaves per blade (realistic?) then I figure I have 65 shaves before I have to worry about using the super dangerous blades. :)

PS. There was blood. But not a lot really. Not enough to make the foam pink, and nothing that I even noticed until a few minutes later. Alum sorted them without much more than a temporary sting.
No blades in the razor itself.

I bought a pack of 15 proguards and a pack of 20 Pro's. Came to about £28.
But the blades apparently last well. Geofat boy on Shavenation (youtube) says 10-15 shaves. Not sure I believe that, so I'm going with 4 or 5.
So I've "bought" 140-175 shaves for £28. Should see me OK for a while.
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